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being erica is pr friendly. gifted items will be for my consideration only, and i will not responsible for the return of un-used or failed products // while i would be happy to review your product, i will only do so with my honest opinion // i will only ever review or use/style items that fit my lifestyle; where possible, i will choose the gifted items myself // all items gifted for my consideration will be marked with an (*) or clearly marked as "c/o" // regardless of how these items came to be in my possession, all views are still my own.

i belong to a number of blogger networks. this means that occasionally, posts may include a sponsored or affliate link. sponsored posts will be marked as such; i believe in full disclosure; all thoughts within those posts will still remain honest, and unbiased.

being erica is a for-profit blog. i write because i love to write. i also love being able to pay bills and have nice, new clothes to wear, so don't think for one second that if someone wants to pay me for my opinions and thoughts, that i would say no. this isn't called selling out folks, it's called making a living. i would love to do this blogging malarky full-time, and one day maybe i will. until then, being erica is my blog to do with as i wish. 

thanks for being a part of my journey. enjoy the ride.