or maybe this post should be called "lewk of the day" because this outfit, frankly, is a lewk. it's much bolder than i'd usually wear out for lunch on a rainy day, but this skirt is far too fabulous to be reserved only for work! i snapped it up in the look of the day sale just after payday - alongside this ruffle-boob jumper, and i regret nothing. i first wore it to work when it arrived and got suhhhh many compliments that i just had to whip it out again at the weekend. the colour is bang on the same shade as my hair currently is, as it's just so swishy and pretty and flattering, so much so that's it currently my favourite bit of clothing, ever.

oh, it's velvet! i should have mentioned that. so it's definitely not your every day skirt, but.. considering it's me we're talking about, it really is heading that way. the magenta velvet really, really catches your eye from wherever you are, because it sort of glitters in the light. for twelve quid, it's a steal, and i'm pretty happy i accidentally ended up on lotd.com on payday! this is not a sponsored post, by the way; i literally paid for everything, but there was a whopping 70% off which is probably the reason i got so spendy, too. and also explains how i let such a frumpy jumper into my life. it's totally cute, with it's knitted frill, and it's icy grey colour, but mates - if it's not the least flattering jumper in the whole of the uk then i don't know what it. i've even tied it up at the back to try and give it a little shape, but no luck. it's a good thing it's cute.

i'm pretty obsessed with berets at the moment, too. i don't know where this fad came back from, but i do remember being pretty anti-berets when it did. i remember katy buying one in japan, and me screwing my nose up at it all, but you'll look like a boy scout! turns out, no. just totally adorable. this lilac one was only a couple of quid from ebay, but you can find them just about everywhere on the high street at the moment. i now own four. three of those were purchased in the last three months, the fourth is about seven years old, so.. shrug. i guess what goes around, comes around, eh?