what a week, what a week, what a mighty good week (might, mighty good week!). it's been busy, i've been tired. so tired in fact that on sunday i slept about 15 hours, and it was wonderful. well, until sunday night that is, when i hardly slept at all, but that's life sometimes, isn't it! here's what's been keeping me busssssy:
coffee | the festive as fuck seasonal coffee is here! i've had the blue cups, and the sweater cups, but not yet the red cups. there's nothing that says "generic festive cheer" quite like a seasonal, novelty cup and an extremely syrupy flavour, is there? current favourite: nero's salted caramel and costa's honeycomb.
new scarf | unnnnnnngh! my newest accessory is the best, and i loves it! it's going to keep me so very toasty as bex and i explore gothenberg this weekened
cocktails and bubbles | during the week i went out on a lovely lady date the wonderful viki bell; we started at all bar one for dinner and some drinks before heading to the theatre for a belly laughing good time. i can't wait to tell you more about both later in the week.
ibis lates | after one night off, it was back to work. work work, not extra curricular work. on thursday night i had the pleasure of working the room with a bunch of london's partiest bloggers, at the ibis lates event with ibis hotels in shoredicth - my fave place! they've recently launched a partnership with the roundhouse london, and to celebrate, are taking a host of the uk's biggest up-and-coming artists on the road for a bit of a tour. it was loads of fun, and if you get the chance to check out a similar event near you, then you really should!
wok and woll | after not a lot of sleep and a full day of work, the next night i was headed back to where my cooking school career started: the school of wok. jez has just released a range of woks and wok utensils through dexam international, and i was excited to get the chance to be one of the first to try them out in the kitchen onsite in the coven garden school. as a group we tried our hand at making crispy won tons, egg fried rice and szechuan chicken, and then devouring it all en mass at the end of the evening. i was even lucky enough to come away with my very own cast iron wok, which i'm very excited to use and share the results of which with you all soon. watch this space!
london | omg she is suuuuch a baaaabe at the moment! i love her when she's all twinkly and festive.
lazy weekend | this weekend i did a whole bunch of nothing. i had a lazy start on saturday, with gym and loads of study, then joel came around in the evening and i cooked up my new favourite dish: a sweet potato and spinach curry that i made earlier in the week when the recipe came part of my first gousto order (see below). come sunday i slept about a hundred hours, watched a lot of netflix, and became furious when my phone decided to stop working entirely at around 10pm. other than that, it was a terrifically lazy weekend, and i am all about those!
gousto | as mentioned, i had my first gousto order come through this week, after seeing a promotion for £25 off the first order, making the order less than a tenner for three meals for two (dinner and lunch, for me, haha). i chose three really varied meals, and ones i wouldn't normally make; a chicken biriyani, a sweet potato and spinach curry, and a lime and coriander dish. my favourite was definitely the curry, and as i said above, i've already made it again. you can find the recipe here, if you're interested in just making it yourself. i'm pretty keen on trying it for another week to see if it's good value for money at full price, so maybe when i am back from sweden.
the crown | i am in love with this show! if you're after something to watch on netflix, make the crown your new obsession like i have. it's got everything you want; love stories, drama, death and female empowerment. hell yeah, lizzie, go get 'em! matt smith is totally punchable as phillip too, so it's literally got me super angry at every racist, sexist and idiotic thing he says. oh phil, just stop.
hope you've had as fab a week as i've had! chin up, monday's nearly over now...