everyone's got a favourite day of the week, right? mine just happens to be more obvious than others' because i make a bit of a song and dance about it every time it comes around, and i oh-so-carefully pick out my pink outfit for that day. whenever my life choices are questioned - as in, when "you don't really wear pink every wednesday, do you?" comes up in conversation and i reply with a giant grin and my confirmation, people laugh. personally, i don't really see my pledge as comical, for me, it's more of a commitment. it keeps me different. it keeps me, me.

it also obviously brings up a conversation about the film (mean girls, if you're not familiar), and what i like so much about it, and truth be told: i probably only saw it for the first time long after it came out. i went through a bit of a lyndsay phase and watched all of her films, a found myself gravitating towards that one more than the other teenage-y angst ones. a lot of it probably has to do with tina fay's writing, because that bitch is hilarrrrrious, and it was the first time i was really introduced to her too. i've obviously been a fan of hers ever since.

plus, the phrase "on wednesdays we wear pink" is just the most ridiculous line from a film ever, that it honestly bears repeating at least once a week, don'tcha think? so, yeah. wednesday is my favourite day of the week. it's middle of the week, means there's only one day left in the office before i get to hang out with my best doggo pal, the countdown to the weekend can start, and.. well, i like the symmetry of it being half-way through the work week. this tee now lets me wear my favourite day of the week with pride, no matter what the day - like last saturday, when i rocked it in the sun of the canary islands!

it's fun confusing people, so i probably will never actually wear it on a wednesday. a bit like your novelty socks with the days of the week that you never wear on the right day, it will likely become my "any other day than wednesday shirt" and i'm looking forward* to all the questions i'll no doubt get from wearing it going forward. if you wanna join my club, the tee is on sale for a fiver right now. you're welcome.
*a massive lie; don't talk to me.