saturday was so sunny, and the sky was the most clear i've seen it in weeks. the dry air meant one thing; the beautiful gem coloured cambridge satchel that graced my presence on monday could finaaaally have her day in the sun (puns!). boyfriend and i jumped on a bus and headed into bromley around lunchtime, and had a wee wander though the market (primark), enjoyed ourselves a slimming world friendly lunch (kfc), then made our way up to little beautique just off the main street for a delicious, post back-to-work massage... except... we were about an hour and a half early, so we went to the pub next door. there goes dry january!
come 4 o'clock though, i couldn't have undressed quicker. not at the pub, mind, at the salon... yana, my masseuse was some sort of mind reading goddess. we spoke briefly about what sort of massage i was after (half body, deep tissue, firm), then she left me to get myself organised. as soon as she started though, i knew i was in safe hands.
she'd occasionally pipe in with "stressed at work?" (understatement) "not sleeping?" (see previous) "suffer from headaches?" (see previous understatement) and we'd chat in between her making jelly of my muscles (such good pain). she finished on my back and had me turn over. she then focused on specific pressure points to eradicate all of the anxiety in my life. well, the best she can with only her hands, of course. it was magical.
the hour was up far too soon, and before i knew it i was on the bus home - not before i made promises to return to see my new pal yana as soon as financially possible. it was purely by chance i happened upon her salon this time - thanks to the good people at groupon and their amazing deals, but knowing how close by her magical hands are, it won't be long til i see her again...
a sunny day well spent! how did you spend yours?