this week has been a hard one to find happiness in; maybe this is my karma for gloating about all the happiness previously, or maybe i've just had a bit of bad luck that's making it hard for me to see the sunny side of things. whatever it is, i have tried to remember the silver lining this week, including:
one: delicious pink balls of sweetness; whenever the lush beauties over at lindt come calling, i answer. this month's special treat is the limited edition strawberries and cream truffles that really helped me enjoy a #momentofbliss on monday.
two: tuesday's fabulous taste of turkey event with thomas cook airlines, and the first for talented talkers since our re-brand/restructure this year. there were almost fifty bloggers in attendance in the roof space of paradise by way of kensal rise, and the event was a resounding success! it was so nice to be able to put so many names to faces, and although i was knackered and starving when i got in, i was smiling from ear to ear, so it must've been good.
three: learning to make dumplings with jeremy pang in his spiritual home at the school of wok; it was my third time in the school, and third time since june seeing jeremy cook (taste of london, tower bridge and that night) - but to actually have him teach a class in his school was beyond incredible. he's such a down to earth guy too, and has a lot to teach - that was definitely a highlight.
four: organised activities in work time; something i usually shy away from with good reason: organised fun is rarely actually fun in my experience. well, we knocked off work early on friday and headed into regent's park for some softball *fun* and bit of a wider-team picnic. the wider team is about sixty-strong, and as soon as the softball started, i couldn't stop laughing. if it wasn't #littleshaun being the most competitive person in the world and playing on all the teams so he would win, it was randall hitting a homerun and running the whole thing with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth. absolute lols!
five: a well-spent weekend. from finishing a good book in bed to helping prep and cook for a backyard bbq on saturday, to a wander around spitalfields and a deep-fried brunch on sunday, this weekend was certainly not a hungry one. and was topped off with a fresh bottle of lavender spray and some fresh flowers to keep my room smelling fresh through those muggy nights.
so even though it's been a tough week for me thanks to the incarcerated hand, there has been a glimmer of happy. i hope your week hasn't been as tough as mine!