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8 March 2017


i always forget about debenhams. i'm often so quickly swayed into shops i know and love, totally forgetting that some of those shops can *actually* be found in debs as well. and if you're lucky enough to find a discount code online, or shop on one of those days when the department store has an offer on, you're totally winning when you remember can buy your favourite brands for less, all in one place. thanks to a 10% off code for sales over £30 on codesium, i currently have all of the above in my basket.

because i'm actually insane, and have recently discovered a love for both comfy trainers, and bomber jackets, over the weekend i bought another jacket, making my tally of spring jackets now at: new: three; old: three; and current jazzy trainer count: four. i think that's probably enough, but.. once i start window shopping, i just can't stop. those embroidered trainers are the absolute prettiest! i must own them stat!

i know that pastels for spring isn't groundbreaking, but i do think identifying your palette before you head out shopping is important. it will make shopping a lot easier, and will mean you are more critical about what you're putting into your basket. for me, pink is always a staple, as is black. and the only way to make black less imposing for spring, is by blending it with grey. and, i'm a biiiig fan of grey. and anything embellished. and a novelty jumper. so, i think we all know how the direction that my spring wardrobe is heading...

*post written in collaboration with brand. all words are my own*

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