this past week seemed like one surprise after another (including surprise pancakes and surprise drinks and surprise candy), and friday was no exception. when i woke up to my surprise hangover that day, i had no idea what lovely things would befall me that day... like the surprise i found in the cafe when i went to restore my brain function; the new management had brought with them a new bap supplier, meaning my friday morning baconandhashbrownbap was suprisingly fresh and bouncy. incredible!
add to that the surprise french fancy i found on my desk when i finally reached it, and the surprisingly lovely morning free of meetings, friday was already shaping up to be aaaaalright. but then. as if from nowhere. i received an email from reception, asking me to sign for a parcel. sign for? a parcel? me? i rushed out to claim my prize, and what a (sur)prize it was! inside i found a crisp white bag, tied up with pink ribbon; a valentine's day gift, for me, with love from the house of fraser.

daisy ring + heart stacker c/o joshua james | flower stacker c/o house of fraser
when asked to choose something lovely from their jewellery collection, i was instantly drawn to the pandora range. i've talked about my curiosity with stacker rings in the past, and so i really loved the idea of adding to my budding collection; i have been wearing those rings every damn day, trying my hardest to 'get used to' how they feel on my hands, and trying to overcome my stupid mental fear of cutting off the circulation to my fingers... it's a real fear you guys, and stems from a terrifying incident with a serrated knife and a giant piece of costume jewellery... it's scarred me for life, but, i'm working through it with help from pretty, stackable rings like these from pandora. i reeeeally love the new floral addition; it's so very "me", and compliments the other two so perfectly... this is one surprise that was just meant to be.