i am uncomfortable. like, all of the time. i've always had a wide foot, but i've been able to survive with a size up in boots or a cheap pair of ballet flats for as long as i can remember. lately though, i've been limping in-and-out of the office, rubbing my sore feet together when i'm finally laying down to sleep, and generally been in a lot of pain. and it's so not good.
my mum's had some feet problems in her past, and i've wondered for a while if they might be hereditary. it's seeming more and more likely that it is, and in that case, this is only the beginning. she's had to have surgery to reduce her problems - not even fix them, and that seems terrifying. i don't want to have surgery - not on my feet! but then again, i do so much walking in my life, that if that's what it's going to take to solve the problem, then it sort of seems... obvious?
for now though, i have resolved to find myself a few pairs of comfortable, wide-fitting shoes to try and alleviate some of the pain. i figure if there's less pressure around the actual problem area, then there will hopefully be less residual pain through the rest of my feet. i'll not limp, or scuff my way into rooms, and hopefully - fingers crossed - this will sort the issue out and call off yet another trip to the doctors for something that can be avoided.
so, in my hunt for comfort i have sourced options from the likes of clarks, new look, and asos, but i'd love to hear from you; have you any experience buying comfortable (but still cute) shoes for purpose rather than for fashion? i don't want some like, midwife shoes or mum shoes, but goddamn, i need me something comfy. stat.