you might remember a version of these shoes from valentine's day last year, but what i didn't tell you about the vivienne westwood high-heeled style of these lover-ly shoes, is that they're terrrribly uncomfortable. adorable, but mega, mega painful, and certainly not the type of shoe a girl can just throw on willy-nilly to pop out to the shops and pick up some chocolate on a thursday afternoon when she's home alone, supposed to be packing for her trip to yorkshire, and starving.
no, certainly not in that instance. in ~that instance, the shoe you need, is the flatter, more comfier version by melissa, and which is currently on sale at shoetique (a boutique for shoes... get it?). as luck would have it, i too have that particular shoe in my possession, and i can attest to it being the purrfect shoe for the aforementioned predicament. i found myself hungry and alone on thursday, and with my new pinny crying out for another wear and these precious soles (pun!) begging to be broken in, well... the fates had their way.

the sugary scented pumps feel as if they were made just for my feet, and with the exception of one grumpy big toe, these are just as perfectly comfortable as my other pair of melissas - naturally. consistency is key when it comes to keeping the feet (mostly) happy, and is there nottttthing worse than buying a couple of pairs of shoes from the same brand, in the same size, and then coming to the ridiculous realisation that one of the few pairs just does not fit your stupid fat feet? answer: no, nothing worse; that actually sucks.
i will say this about melissa and her wonderful range of what is essentially acceptable jelly shoes slash a fashionable range of crocs (controversial): she is nothing if not consistent. buy a pair in your size, and it's going to be your size. it will also be comfortable - as in, from all angles, because of the exceptional amount of cushioning that goes into creating the soles of these masterpieces, and they will one hundred percent be adorable. and cute. and probably with a love heart of some sort. and is there anything this girl could want more? answer: hell no.