late last week i received an email that had me verrrrry excited; an invite to the VoucherCodesUK 'most wanted swap shop' event in shoreditch. the premise was that you bring along 5 items of clothing that you're prepared to (essentially) donate to charity, each item of clothing is given it's own 'coupon value', and then you shop other blogger's wardrobes with your coupons. simples! sounds fun, eh? i thought so! so i dragged rebekah along with me, and we hit the rails (and cupcakes and cocktails..) on wednesday night..

both bex and i traded in good enough quality items to garner eight coupon points each, and i had no problems using up those eight coupons on another eight items. for bex, it was quite another story; she has quite an affinity with the colour black, and there was surprisingly not a lot of black stuff available. she did manage to score a few pieces though (one of which was donated by me!) and even let me use one of her coupons to buy one of my donations back (i was having second thoughs as soon as it was donated)! she also scored a brand new dorothy perkins coat (with the tags attached!) for 2 coupons - essentially the value of 2 high street items! what a steal. i came away with a shirt and a jumper for boyfriend, as well as six new shirts (oh, i know.) and one of my original skirts back.
while we swapped, we sipped on cocktails, munched on sweeties and cupcakes and took lots of silly pictures in the photo booth. bex had her nails done from the in-house manicurist, and there were d.i.y workshops going on all around us the whole time...there were about a hundred bloggers and plus ones piled into the event, and everyone was having an absolute ball.
the whole VoucherCodesUK team were such wonderful help and really lovely folk, and it was the best way i've spent a wednesday night in a while!