thanks to kate i must own these loafers. and this cherry dress kelly posted about. eep! becky is giving away a diana! want. have you met lindsay louise? she's adorable! last week miss michelle gave us some adorable ck inspired printable bunting, and this week mrs thrifty gives us some more! oh em gee! ally's guest posting over on paper + stitch! well done girl, another fab tutorial!
are you one of the top 10 worst people on the tube? i am guilty. are you as old as me? i was a child in the 80's, but, i remember. that also means i am almost (almost) thirty. i would like to reference this when i need to. and ..... you're welcome for this, ladies.
have you heard of henryka? they're running a blogger comp, and want to know which is your favourite piece. mine is this amber and turquoise bad boy! hopefully you've all checked out chloe's everything i love boutique by now, well don't forget she's offering you 20% with the code beingerica. that's 20% of this neon jacket, this floral dress, and these twinsets! so pretty.
it's so damn hot. food is a bad choice. but not this white bean salad by katy's kitchen. this looks sublime. it makes me hungry. and now, i'm to find food. happy weekend guys!