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1 July 2013

moosterbubble // little scrubbers kit :: review

nb :: i posted this review over on laura's blog last week, but for those of you who missed it, i thought i'd share it with you here. i really have been enjoying this product, and i hope you do too!

i've been wearing lipstick a lot more recently. i don't know why. could be that i read this post on xojane.com called "20 beauty and style mistakes i made in my 20's (that i'm ditching now that i'm [well, almost] in my thirties)", and one point in particular was about being scared too wear lipstick, and overcoming that fear by, well, by just bloody wearing lipstick.

i realised pretty quickly that i'd need some sort of lip primer; i was finding the lippy was either bleeding or going kind of... bitty, after awhile. i turned to the #bbloggers on instagram who were all very quick to advise on a scrub. they mostly recommended lush's organic sugar scrub - and while i can't fault the flavours of the scrubs, or the ethics of lush as a company, i've never had any luck with their products and kind of wanted to avoid the unoriginal route of just buying because of the name. i mean, what's the point if the products don't work foy you? instead, i turned to ebay one lunch time, and came across moosterbubble.

the little scrubbers kit claims to be a lip conditioning and moisturizing kit. perfect! it contains a 5ml lip scrub made from ground pumice to "slough away dead skin cells and leave lips soft, pink and smooth", and a 5ml lip butter made from cocoa and shea butters, vitamin e and a touch of beeswax. the lip butter was available in a variety of flavours, but the site assures me that both products only contain natural ingredients and a touch of manuka honey (expensive!). i chose the bubblegum flavour, and it definitely smells pretty sweet! 

the lip scrub is not as tasty as the lush one, mainly because the lush lip scrub is made from sugar, and this is made from pumice, but it's still 'edible'. not in the way i would be tempted to eat the whole pot of a lush sugar scrub, but as a natural ingredient, pumice can be ingested with no worries. after i used the scrub, my lips felt lovely! very soft and a bit tender (was i too rough?), but a small slather of the lip butter restored the colour and moisture, and actually made my lips feel really lush!

the butter is really slimy, so i wasn't sure if i really should put lippy over the top, so i blotted it a bit and then did. the colour certainly lasted a lot longer with smoother lips, and i suppose also with the help of the butter as a primer. i would totally even just use the butter as a balm or gloss on a matte lippy too. i think it would be just as good as a top coat as it is as a base coat.

at £4 plus 99p for delivery, i couldn't recommend this product more. the seller was a pleasure to do business with, and comes with amazing feedback scores, so clearly i'm not the first person who's had an easy transaction.

what do you use? would you try this product?

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  1. I recently started wearing lipstick but i had not thought of lip primer - oh my! I love the name (and price) of this product! Thanks for an informative review : ) Lou xx

  2. That looks really good. I may have to purchase said product.


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