if you know me at all, you will know my favourite past time - next to blogging, is shopping. real-time shopping, online shopping, grocery shopping; you name the genre, i'll be keen on it. i'm a very determined shopper - i know what i like and what i don't. i'm forever filtering my options by item type online, and always head straight for the dresses, bypassing the denim in any shop i enter. so, imagine my excitement then, when i discovered mallzee - the virtual mall designed to create a unique shopping experience, by taking all the hard work out of online shopping.
you basically build your own mall by selecting your favourites from the 300+ affiliate stores, then mallzee's technology recommends outfit choices for you, cutting out all of the rubbish you'd never bat an eyelid at! mallzee also allows you to connect with your friends while shopping. if you're stuck and need inspiration or advice, it lets you recommend, poll and share products with your closest pals online. there's also a built-in wardrobe (which keeps itself tidy!), which acts like a 'saved cart' for mid-month window-shopping when the cash flow has dried up...not only that, but every time you buy through the site, you earn mallzee dollars to use on your next shop.
which means, they pay you to shop!
if that's not sold you on mallzee, then i don't know what will. oh, actually, maybe vip membership will? acces to exclusive promotions and promotions? this is what you'll get if you sign up now, here, now.
go forth and shop, and thank me later.