on saturday, after our morning tea (him) and coco pops (me), we navigated our way through south east london's many modes of public transport hell, and found ourselves in homewares lover's heaven... ikea!
with the promise of meatballs all too much for boyfriend to think about, he was even almost - dare i say, looking forward to the day out? knowing it wouldn't be the quick dash and grab shopping trip he knows and loathes, i was expecting a much more troublesome protest, but it never (really) came.
we made our way through the maze of a showroom in about an hour. probably a record. i guess it helps move things along when you have the adult equivalent of a toddler pushing you on. although, he was quite happy to test drive the sofas when the time came. we found the perfect sofa for our lounge; he didn't even moan about the colour! it folds out neatly into a queen size bed too - perfectly handy for all the guests we've been having of late! now to raise the funds. help?
we stopped in for the obligatory meatballs and chips, before heading into the market hall - my favourite! so many nick nacks and questionable devices that you've never dreamt of needing, but for some reason, you must have now, regardless. sadly, boyfriend was a constant devil's advocate "do we need that?" "what does that even do?" so i really only came away with stuff i really did plan to buy. and, one of those things was sold out (boo), which means... we have to go back again (yay)! he is pumped.
a few of the things we bought will be up later in the week in the final room tour, so keep your eyes peeled for that!
how was your weekend? do anything fuuuun?