~while i'm off on my well-earned holidays, i'm handing the reigns over to some of my faaaavourite bloggers. today, please welcome the lovely amy of cocktails in teapots...

My name is Amy Marie & I blog over at Cocktails in Teacups. Erica asked me to do a guest post while she's off on her holidays and I happily agreed as her blog is one of my absolute favourites! After a bit of deliberation I decided to do a recipe post, which Erica has kindly allowed me to do as long as it wasn't a soup one. So today I'm sharing a recipe for a roasted vegetable lasagne, which despite it containing no meat, is one of my absolute favourite dishes.
I have always liked lasagne, I think it's probably because growing up, my mother never made it. Then when I started to cook for myself it ended up being on the first I could master. Yes initially it all came from jars, but now I make everything myself apart from the pasta.. and if I had a maker, I probably would at least attempt to make the pasta sheets. Last week I hadn't taken meat out the freeze for my dinner so when it came to try and make something I was at a bit of a loss. I had some goats cheese and vegetables to use up. Usually I'd just use some filo pastry and make a tart, or top a pizza with them but today I had nothing to make a base for a pizza and no filo pasty. I did however have lots of milk as my daughter has gone off her bottle to make some bechamel sauce, homemade pasata in the freezer and some lasagne sheets. And that is how my roasted vegetable lasagne was born.
This lasagne isn't your regular lasagne, as i've mentioned, there is no meat in it.. the tomato sauce has balsamic vinegar in it (goats cheese and balsamic should just get married) and the only cheese on the top to go brown is a creamy goats cheese, as for me, that is the best. Despite being very warming, it does remind me of a summer dish as it has what is generally collectively described as "Mediterranean" vegetables in place of mince. It's filling as all lasagne's are, especially when it comes with homemade garlic toast!

Pack Lasagne Sheets (I usually use fresh as they cook better)
Creamy Goats Cheese
Plum Tomatoes
Red Onion
Yellow Pepper
Red Pepper
Button Mushrooms
Garlic Salt
Fry Light
Black Pepper
Jar of White (Bechamel) Sauce
(You can make your own by following erica's recipe here, but I have a 20 month old child and just don't have the time to make it these days)
*There are no exact measurements for this as it all depends on the size of your baking dish!
Creamy Goats Cheese
Plum Tomatoes
Red Onion
Yellow Pepper
Red Pepper
Button Mushrooms
Garlic Salt
Fry Light
Black Pepper
Jar of White (Bechamel) Sauce
(You can make your own by following erica's recipe here, but I have a 20 month old child and just don't have the time to make it these days)
*There are no exact measurements for this as it all depends on the size of your baking dish!
For The Tomato Sauce
Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
Balsamic Vinegar
Stock (I used beef but you can use vegetable if you are a vegetarian)
Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
Balsamic Vinegar
Stock (I used beef but you can use vegetable if you are a vegetarian)
To Serve
Rocket/Leafy Salad
Slice of Bread
Italian Garlic Seasoning
Rocket/Leafy Salad
Slice of Bread
Italian Garlic Seasoning
What You Need
Baking Dish/Casserole Dish, Roasting Tray, Small Pan, Blender, Chopping Board, Kitchen Knife, Table Spoon, Tea Spoon, Wooden Spoon, Butter Knife
Baking Dish/Casserole Dish, Roasting Tray, Small Pan, Blender, Chopping Board, Kitchen Knife, Table Spoon, Tea Spoon, Wooden Spoon, Butter Knife
- Preheat the oven to gas mark 6/200c/400f.
- Dice the mushrooms, plum tomatoes, peppers and red onion then arrange in the roasting tray. Spray with the fry light and season well with black pepper and garlic salt. Put in the oven for 25 minutes or until they've started to brown and have gone soft.
- In the mean time make the tomato sauce by mixing a tin of chopped tomatoes, a few table spoons of balsamic vinegar, a table spoon of basil, a couple of cloves of garlic and salt. Make up the stock in a jug then pour into the tomato mix. Put a lid on and leave to simmer while the vegetables are roasting.
- Pour the sauce into a blender and blend until smooth.
- Once the vegetables have roasted take them out the oven. Spray the inside of the baking dish/casserole dish with some fry light then start to make up the lasagne.
- Put a layer of the roasted vegetables in first then crumble some goats cheese in any gaps. Pour over some of the tomato sauce and top with some lasagne sheets. Finally put a layer of white sauce over the pasta. Repeat until the dish is full.
- Once the lasagne is finished, crumble the remaining goats cheese on top and sprinkle with black pepper before putting into the over for 40 minutes.
- Any left over tomato sauce can be frozen and use at a later date. It's delicious with bacon and pasta or even as a pizza topping.
- To serve, mix some butter and italian garlic seasoning together in a small bowl. Toast some bread, then butter before putting under the grill until browned. This is such a cheap way to have garlic break. On a plate place a square of lasagne, some leafy salad and the garlic toast.
- Finally, pour yourself a glass of white wine.
Any extra lasagne can also be frozen so it'll make a great dish for after work, just stick it in the microwave!
please don't forget to enter my birthday giveaway with thanks to the oriental magpie too!