recently,the lovely kids over at the range got in touch to see if they could help me with some finishing touches in the form of pretty home accessories for my newly redecorated flat. who was i to say no to some shiny little pieces to jazz up the place? i spent hours pouring over their website before deciding on two of the most perfect additions to my almost-there, almost-done, d.i.y dressing table area...

these pictures make it all appear rather busy, but in reality it all flows really well. for a long time now i've needed somewhere to store and display all of my many floral crowns, and after seeing a few girls on instagram displaying theirs in a tiered stand, i decided to join the bandwagon. i found this beautifully ornate cream stand on the site, and knew it was going to be perfect. it's the right height, the perfect colour and it's bloody pretty. i love the results!

something else that's been missing from my dressing table area is a good mirror. i have a built-in mirror on my make up table/other dressing table (yes, i have two areas; one dedicated to make up and jewellery, one dedicated to hair stuffs...), but the cord of my hair dryer and straighteners don't stretch to that side of the room, and i am forever guessing how my hair looks, or doing it facing the wall and then popping over to the mirror to check, and then back again. it's rather annoying. so, this trio of vintage mirrors is the perfect addition to the collage of pictures i have above the dressing table. they're three different shapes, with a real retro feel, and look bloody lovely on the wall. plus, the reflected light opens the room right up too, an added bonus.

ornate cake stand + trio of vintage mirrors c/o the range
thank you very much to the folks over at the range for giving me the opportunity to fiiiinally finish off the decorating that's been weighing on me for the last few months. i'm over the moon with how it's all come together, and it was all thanks to them, with a push from the right direction...
so, what do you think of the little makeover?