so i've had a few days off this week, and to keep my busy and not lazy, i decided to re-redecorate the lounge room. now that the tree has come down, and we have a bit more room to play with, we can finally figure out just where everything is going to go now that our furniture choice dining set has arrived...

owl cushions :: primark // blanket :: gift from kim // floral heart cushions + floral fabric :: the u in cute etsy
the feature wall was the first thing i focussed on; i've been collecting frames for months - some were saved from skips, some are charity shop finds (pictures included!) and others came from pound shops in the area. i didn't want to focus on just one or two colours, but make it a bit random and fun, while keeping the colour scheme of the room in play (fyi - that's green and raspberry!).
as with the frames, i've been collecting prints for some time now too. some are etsy buys, some from friends, and others are just magazine cut outs - believe it or not! frankie mag have some fantastic artists and photographers on their payroll...

record player :: steepletone // bureau :: found // dining set :: furniture choice // craft kits :: both cath kidston
now, this little nook is new. it's hard to know what to put in there - it's such an odd space. but, with the salvaged cabinet on the left, it kind of makes the dining nook a bit more pronounced, and separate from the rest of the room. i like it. it also means all my crafting crap has a home - inside the bureau - hidden, and my new record player has pride of place on the top. kinda cluttered... but i like it.
curtains :: // white letters :: typo // place mats :: poundstretcher // guitar :: ebay
the dining set now fits perfectly underneath the window - centered, as opposed to shoved into the corner with sewing crap all around it. the window ledge also acts as an - erm, bookshelf, as you can see. i'd get one but... no space. and, i quite like them on the sill. it's adorable.

retro ladies+ mean girls print c/o whatpeggysaid // paramore quote :: honeycomb + co

i gave this mirror a couple of coats of raspberry paint, then scratched the top coat with a little sandpaper to give it a used, rustic effect. the fairy lights add a little bit of... oh, what's the word... oh yeh, "cliche", to the room.

and this is the almost-end result of some holiday decoupage. we kind of maybe sort of got the method wrong, and as a result, it looks kind of crap. but, it's a work in progress. i think we're going to go over the exceptionally shoddy areas with more paper and hope that makes a difference. we need to do something, as this salvaged-from-the-kerbside coffee table now sits pride of place in the centre of the room. before, it housed the collection of vintage luggage that have since moved to the crafting nook.
so that's about it. a few little changes has made a huge difference to the room, and i'm soooo close to being totally content with this room; the bane of my interior decorating career!
sorry about the dodgy picture quality; fading light is the second bane of my life.