jacket : h&m | dress : rachel's | everything else : primark
when i first saw rachel's smokin' smock on donna, i was totally excited; it has my name aaaall over it. i didn't really know how i was going to style it - but knew i was going to go all out and wear a lot of pink. but then i saw it on debbie, and i started wondering if i shouldn't try and push the boundaries a little more like she did; maybe try some black. at the very least, i had hoped it would just fit as i'd been having issues with some of the other girls' clothes being a tad on the snug side. this being a smock, i had high hopes for comfort!
on saturday i really needed to wear something really comfy and breathable to my massage (that never even happened), so i grabbed straight for it without a second thought. the rest of the outfit kind of fell into place; leggings for easy access (you perve), a big bag to tote all the baking supplied up to nicola's, and a denim jacket to fight off the spring wind. it was... kind of the perfect outfit! plus, i can start to see the weight loss, which is a bonus, except the kicker is i need a haircut. wah!
and check out how this lush babes styled it. obviously more effort than me!

i am in love with this dress and pretty sure i'm not sending it back to rach.
sorry (not sorry) rachel!