it is currently just gone 8pm sunday, and i am about ready for bed; this weekend has been exhausting, but so totally worth it. it started with what should have been my first 'in real life' meeting with the babe behind the mag - laura from six out of ten on saturday, and ended with in the foetal position on my sofa by midday on sunday; battered, bruised and with a belly full of my first take away in months.
laura and i had plans to meet for lunch in kings cross, but unfortunately she was called to work at the last minute which instantly freed my morning up for the impossible task that is underwear shopping. i don't mean 'underwear' underwear, i'm talking the horror that is bra shopping. i fricken love shopping, you guys all know this, but i draw the line on fun under bra shopping. sheer hell. there is nothing less sexy than than standing shirtless under neon lights, surrounded by the sounds of a full department store with nothing more than a heavy (if you're lucky) fabric curtain between you and the male fitting room attendant. what's worse is that if something doesn't fit, you have to get completely re-dressed again just to go and switch your styles out for the next ones to attempt. and, when you pick up six styles in the exact same size, but only one of them 'fits', while the rest are all too big in the cup (loose boobs, urgh!), too small in the back (back fat, urgh!), too long in the strap, too short in the strap, too wrong on the whole. so. goddamn. annoying. i did find some cute unicorn pj's and one bra that worked so bought it in three colours. i fail at shopping.
i'd made it home by late afternoon, which gave me a bit of time before i had to get out and up to carmen's in mile end; we had a girls night planned, and i was keen to get my dance on. we grabbed some snacks and a few bottles of wine, and headed up to her sister niko's flat by bow dlr, with carmen's bff chelle in tow. for the next few hours we drank, laughed, sung (if you can call it that) and danced our hearts out until it was time to grab the bus into town and get our proper drink on at the borderline - a dose of brit pop and cheap booze was the order of the night! there, we drank, danced and spied on cute boys who'd never talk to us for houuuurs, until allofasudden we'd hit a wall; 3am and starving for chicken, we hopped back on the night bus and headed back the way we'd come hours earlier. bed. beddddd. bed.
sunday morning came around far too quickly, but thankfully did not bring with it the hangover i was expecting, so circa 9am carmen and i headed to the half moon in stepney green for a greasy spoon breakfast. which, i'm gutted to say, defeated me. there were five hashbrowns on my plate you guys. five! the large lemonade had hit the spot though, but the battering i'd taken from the breakky warned me that a nap was imminent, so we went our separate ways and i found my self on the sofa by midday; where i stayed for the rest of the day. without shame. i wasn't even ashamed when i downloaded both the hungry house and just eat apps, just so i could stay on the sofa and still eat my weight in chinese food. i haven't had chinese in aaaaages, and ermergerrrrd it was sooooo good.
so that was my weekend, tell me about yours.