when i saw this pretty little thing over on my instafriend victoria's feed, i knew it had to be mine. i jumped straight over to her (brand new) etsy shop and bought it without even batting an eyelid. i've bought stuff from victoria's (old) shop before, and knew her stuff was great quality and forever adorable, so i already knew that this would be made to a high standard.... and forever adorable.
it arrived less than a week later, all the way from new zealand (takes longer 1st class inside the uk!), and with it were some extra special pressies just for me! in the wrapping there were teeny tiny little glitter love hearts that fell out all over my bed and now live in my carpet... the perfect place for them! they really add something to the room i think. *wink
this phone cover could not sum me up anymore if it tried. it's mint, has a giant bow, a glitter love heart, flowers, whipped cream and tea cups. oh, and, a giant my little pony for good luck.
it's pastel perfection!
[update] since the post went up this morning, the wonderful victoria (who i found out is on holiday) has reopened her shop, and is offering all being erica readers 20% off custom kawaii cases with the coupon code imbeingerica! that is so kind and very sweet and so very unexpected. just shows what lovely humans there are out there... thanks victoria! pop over to her etsy and start convo-ing her your ideas now for your very own kawaii little pony case *squee!