i mentioned yesterday that in the last week i've added four new lippies to the collection, all in varying shades of coral. well, these would be another two in addition to the kate moss for rimmel one i shared yesterday. these are the colour rush balms, also by rimmel (for the london look), in #600 on fire and #210 boom chic a boom. i already have a few of these balms, so i knew what i was getting myself in to. i'd actually been meaning to add a few more to the mix for a while, and when i saw them on offer at superdrug last week, and with a couple of high street vouchers to spend, well... the fates aligned.
the reason i love these so much is because they're long-wearing without being too heavy, and they're also really moisturising and don't dry me out. that's a biggun for me, as i hate how some matte lippies really enhance my cracked lips, when all i really want is for them to add a burst of hydration therapy and a pretty colour to boot. can't always have it all, but these balms come pretty close.
they glide on with ease - literally just draw them on like a big fat crayon, then fill in. smoosh (techie term) your lips together to get the full coverage (make sure you wipe all the bits away at the corners so you don't look like ronald), and away you go. colour for ages, and a good amount of moisture for the next few hours.
not sure that the picture does the pigment too much justice, as boom chic a boom is really quite a vibrant magenta while on fire is definitely more bright coral. either way, they're both now in solid 'spring lips' rotation with the rest of my pink lippies, and i really can't wait to wear them more often.
coral's a new colour for me this season - have you fallen for a new shade yet?