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31 March 2014

it's always sunny at southbank (unsubstantiated)

a shit ton of crap rained down on me over the last few days, so on saturday i decided to escape the doom and gloom - if only for a few hours, and jumped on a train, headed for southbank. thankfully i hopped off at london bridge, thereby missing the majority of the sunny-day revellers twho all had the very same thought as me, but i had my earphones in and my music up loud - and with some sights as spectacular as these, there's no way i could stay moody for long (this is a lie, but... that's another story).

sometimes when i get sad, or miss my friends and family back home, or just need to clear my head and ponder the world's injustices, i head to the banks of the river to remember why i'm still here. it's not for my shitty wage or my awesome friends or to drink all of the wine, it's to see beautiful things. to meet beautiful people. to learn lots of beautiful things. lately, i've forgotten a lot of why i'm in london, and i've spent too much of my time behind this computer screen, in front of the television, and avoiding real social interaction. well, change is afoot, and a new start comes with the rising of the sun. and boy, was there a lot of sun on saturday.

after my lunch for one under the shade of some of london's quirkiest architecture, i headed back the way i'd come - but this time, via a jaunt through south london's iconic borough market. with little appetite, i was purely there to wander and wonder, but did stop and part with some pennies when  i came upon the fresh fruit smoothie stall. deeeelish! i am living the smoothie life now, though.

i hope your saturday was as sunny but less crappy than mine!
if nothing else, enjoy the pics.

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  1. I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling crummy! It sounds like you had a good plan to combat the grumps, though. Looks like a lovely afternoon! I hope things start looking up soon.

    Becca | Ladyface Blog

  2. It always happens that way doesn't it, bad shit flying at you from every direction at once. Hopefully things calm down for you and you can feel better quickly!

    Love the pics btw. I've always wanted to go to London but I've never been. One day!

    Amber Jade
    Fairytales and Following Trails

  3. Heading to the river is an awesome idea and the perfect place to refresh. You're totally right, it's easy to get bogged down in work and stress and forget that the simple things in life are the important things. I hope things get better for you. xx

  4. Sounds like a marvellous time, I'd love it. The stands look so good. This weather is really gloomy at the moment, it is spring for goodness sake, but I keep telling myself I'll forget all about this when the sun shines. Things can get us down, but when we look for the small things, it can be a big help!! xx

  5. Southbank is undoubtedly one of my favourite places in London. I love wandering along the Thames, drinking a coffee and people-watching. I have so many happy memories of that place, and I can see why it helps you when you're feeling less than happy. I'm sorry you've not been having a good time at the moment, but hopefully soon things will be back on track - in the meantime, keep loving London, and yourself!

    p.s. we have stupidly similar taste in things. I read the Understudy recently and loved it! Let me know what you think :)

    Jo xxx

    She Wears Burgundy

  6. Sad times that you had such a rubbish weekend but I think it's brilliant that you took some time out and just remembered why you're doing what you're doing. The Southbank is the best place to do that and there's always so much wonderful stuff to see. I'm very impressed you ignored all the scrumptious food at Borough Market - it's the brownies from The Flour Station that get me every time. Fingers crossed things get better soon. xxxx

  7. Lindsay Lafferty31 March 2014 at 19:33

    Thanks for the inspiration! I work from home and find frequently that I miss my family and friends who live in another state and also the normal daily interactions that I would have if I had an outside of the home job. Just like you said, it's all about getting my butt out of the house, be thankful for what I've got and choose to be joyful.

  8. sometimes it hard to do, but always worth it when you find it x

  9. OMG they are insane aren't they!

  10. struggling to read it - had such high hopes for it! I really need to set aside a day and just devour it I think! x

  11. you're so right x

  12. whaaaaat! rectify at once! it's so pretty in the sun! x

  13. Shann / Lovers Not Liars2 April 2014 at 10:41

    Oh Ladypants!! You totally have included pics of my fav stalls at BM when we were staying on Southbank!!! I LIVED on those smoothies - best I have ever had (I think my fav was called Ambrosia or something like that.... or maybe thats just what I called it at the time...)
    Sending you cuddles to kick your blues. Keep shining my crazy little diamond!

  14. Erica! I realised we talk a lot on email (talented talkers) but I have never stopped by and left a comment. How rude! I missed this weekend completely, I always seem to leave London when there is nice weather, but Southbank is way up there on my favourites. If you ever fancy a buddy to wander with, hit me up! Laura x

  15. ahhh you always have the best pick-me-ups! <3

  16. well now that I know you're a local I definitely will :D


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