1. your most treasured passport stamp?
i'd really like to say the one i got when i first arrived in london, but as i travelled in on a chipped uk passport, i... didn't even get one. in fact, i've had a micro-chipped passport for such a long time, that i reckon the only time i've ever had a stamp has been outside of the uk - probably the only one in the last few years was after clearing customs in morocco back in 2012...
2. can you recite your passport number from memory if asked?
yes. but i'm hardly going to let the internet know what it is now, am i?
3. preferred method of travel; plane, train or automobiles?
definitely plane. terrifying at times, but i find flying so cathartic that i instantly forget the 'what ifs' of air travel, and focus on the holiday at hand.

4. top three travel items?
correct adaptor, comfy shoes, snacks. put me on a plane with no snacks and i am complaining until we land. i probably also need to add to that list; socks for the plane, a warm jumper and a full phone battery.
5. hostel or hotel?
whichever is cheaper but also less dirty. i've stayed in some really lush hostels, and also some proper rank hotels. so.
6. are you a repeat visitor, or do you explore new places?
i definitely prefer to explore new places. sure, i've been to a couple of the same places more than once, but each of those times i have still gone out and found new things to explore. plus, some things are just so damn pretty that you have to see them more than once!

not so much 'read up' but certainly ask around. i always ask friends and family if they've been and what i should see while i'm there. oh, and i normally do a fair bit of trip advisor-ing before the fact too, to know what avoid and get some #realtalk advice on things to see and do.
8. favourite travel website?
oh, surely trip advisor.
9. where would you recommend a friend to visit, and why?
london. because all of the reasons. but also hawaii for similar reasons. and then also copenhagen for friendly people, colourful cities and lots to see and do.
10. you're leaving tomorrow and money is no option; where are you going?
i'm outta here to go flail on an austrian mountain top, for sure. the hills are a-freaken-live, bitch!
fancy sharing your answers to the travel tag?
leave your links in the comments, i can't wait to see what you all think!