dress :: h&m // boots :: ebay // sophie floral crown :: crown and glory // clutch :: vintage
revlon chroma chameleon in aquamarine // rimmel space dust in total eclipse // rimmel apocolips in galaxy
today's the day of the office christmas party. i bought this dress about a month ago, and by monday of this week, i was stressing out about it. it's too plain, it's too tight around the upper arms (hello bingo wings!), and i can't find the right belt for it. does it need a belt? who even knows. so much pressure on one night, where i'll probably end up drunk by 2pm, crying into my wine by 4, and throwing up in my kebab in bed by 7.
but hey, at least my hair looks great, doesn't it?
[edit] after much woe with my old lady arms, i have found this caaauuute little shrug (new look) for the evening too, which i intend to wear with much gusto. because of the sparkles in the cardi, shoes and crown i have decided to officially forgo jewellery. i don't wanna look like a gold digger.... or, do i?