it's been a whirlwind of a week. brett was here from melbourne for a few nights, which was absolutely incredible, especially when it meant i could use the last remaining days of my annual leave on actually staying *in* london, and showing him some of my favourite things. the bitter sweet thing though, is getting totally used to have having your pal by your side so that when he leaves the country after five amazing days together after six long years apart, it sort of sucks a bit all over again. but, onwards. it's no time of year to be miserable about the friends you have scattered all over the world when your doorstep is littered with other, equally incredible ones; what sort of ungrateful socialite would i be then? still, on top of those emotions i've had two christmas dos, a work trip, and not a lot of sleep. so basically: i'm tired. alert the presses! despite the mayhem, there's been some happy things. like:
friends from far and further | i'm not one of these people who gets annoyed when their friends and their other friends get along. if anything, it's a relief, because it means i don't have to keep the conversation going constantly, so i was thrilllled when brett and bex got along like a house on fire and i didn't have to keep chiming in, "rebekah also likes animals, brett also studied psychology", and other inane comments of that ilk. we all met up on monday for morning tea at my local coffee shop before taking a wander through crystal palace park. man, had i been talking those dinosaurs up to brett. was he as thrilled as i had hoped he would be? sadly not.
two christmas dos | that's right, two. one night after the other. one with my bangarang girls, and the other with the global company i work for by day. that one had about two thousand people at it, which was insane enough, but then it was held at the roundhouse in camden and had notorious garage icon the artful dodger performing. the other one was eight of us drinking prosecco out of a carafe while the food traders of flat iron square brought us more and more of their delicious wares for eating. the back-to-back parties were in no way comparable, and they were both such fun nights that i hardly cared how tired i was come friday.
london being a babe | you can't beat london on a good day. or a foggy day. or on christmas day. or, really, any day that ends with "day". i get so blinkered by this city i call home, so used to seeing the things i see that i forget how fucking insane it is that i live in one of the world's most powerful, old, and history-clad cities. go figure. anyway, on those days when i do remember, i am pretty blown away that someone let me in, and still haven't kicked me out. cheers chaps.
coffee | coffee is life. that is all.
a trip up north | i had to head up to manchester this weekend, for work. that makes me sound like i do really important stuff that means i have to travel to another city's office or something, but realistically, i work in digital pr and this "work" was hosting a bunch of great mancunian bloggers at a pretty nice hotel for the night. i know right, this life. aren't they on to me yet!? so yeah. work's good, thanks for asking. also, so is manchester, but more on that tomorrow.
a first class experience | i got upgraded to first class, so i'm making total use of the free wifi and writing this blog post from my comfortable seat while eating my free train snacks. ho ho ho, this is the life!
fresh sheets | is there any better way to end a hectic as fuck week than with some fresh sheets that don't have toast crumbs in them? nah, i didn't think so either. hopefully these crisp and clean cotton lovelies will set me up for a great nights sleep, and leave me all revived and alive, ready to tackle this last week at work. for those of you who have finished up already: i hate you a little bit. but, merry christmas all the same. have a fantastic week, whatever your plans!