while wasting time at the airport recently, i discovered the skinnydip london concession inside london gatwick's north terminal. i am a fiiiiend for skinnydip, and have a purse, card holder, phone cover, and backpack from their endlessly-glittery range, but the one thing i didn't have - and one thing i had genuinely been window shopping for for a few weeks, was a cross-body box bag. i was having a snoop in their concession while i waited for katy, and my eyes landed on this beauty. i have the purse and the phone cover to match, and it was duty free. it was a no-brainer, right? and, because it's metallic and holographic, it picks up any colour it's paired with, meaning the investment will be worth it when i find i can wear it with literally everything that i (still) own.

thanks to blue planet we all became increasingly aware of how much plastic we use and waste from day to day - more than fifty percent of our plastics are used once then thrown away, and some plastics can take up to 1000 years to fully degrade. that. is. just. shit. so, now i make sure i don't leave the house without my hot pink stojo squishable coffee cup* and mint green built insulated flask* in my bag (squishable cup fits in new bag; insulated flask does not), because no matter where i am headed, i will no doubt requite both coffee and water, and i'd rather not rely on take away cups and bottles ever again. there are so many more efforts i could make to help reduce my waste, but in the last month i've been using beeswax wrap* (reusable cling film!) for left-overs, travel cutlery* and stackable lunch boxes* for work lunches, and taking my "the future is cruelty free" tote with me wherever i go so as to never need a bag. sure, i had to get used to remembering things, but honestly, the planet is worth the effort, no?

i've formed a real love of trainers over the last year or so - not just any old trainers, no, but trainers with attitude. glitter, sparkles, flowers, and personality are the order of the day when it comes to choosing what will go on my footsies - as well as comfort, natch, and that's what makes these absolutely, 100% unique converse of mine so great. they were designed and painted for me by the incredible graffiti kings recently, at an event at centrale in croydon - with only my instagram account to go on as far as aesthetics go. i wasn't even there - i was in berlin at the time, and so finding these on my bed when i got home was an absolute delight; especially because they are so incredibly me. pink and yellow with polka dots and bees, these trainers are comfy, cool, and quirky - which pretty much sums me up..*wink*

the rest of the outfit is made up of things that luckily still fit me - the dress is everything 5 pounds (natch) and the jacket is an oldie but a goodie that i was clever enough to buy in a size up so it still fits me, and i think that my head is just your classic head size so all my berets still fit too. just as well, huh, because i appear to be obsessed with wearing them this year - not sure what i'm going to do come *actual* spring when it's potentially *too warm* for woollen hats, but let's just wait and see on that..
*reusable cups kindly gifted by steamer trading cookshop, who want to help you to reuse and reduce by offering you 20% off their reusable range using the code ERICA20. this code is only valid 23rd april - 14th may (and while stocks last).. happy shopping!