last weekend i was excited to head out with bex and co on a real-life adventure of jurassic proportions. when we'd seen in 'time out' a month or so ago that a life size and working dinosaur exhibition was coming to osterley park, we immediately bought tickets. without seeing where osterley park was. without checking out the recommended age of attendees. without looking at how far away said jurassic kingdom was from any form of public transport. so, unlike the most memorable two lines ever uttered in a dinosaur film, i was not a clever girl.

it took about an hour to get to osterley from sydenham, and three tube changes. and, it's only zone four; it's just so bloody far! bex and her boyfriend sam had come from arsenal, so were literally on the one tube for just over an hour... that is a long day! after the long journey we needed food, and the closest pub was a twenty minute walk. again, i didn't think to check that out, so ben and i ended up having to grab a bloody uber to not too be too late in meeting the others for brunch. thanks to a car crash en route, a two minute uber journey (fifteen minute walk by this point) still cost me five quid. *le sigh* it's a good thing the sun was out, and the brunch was filling. and cheap. god bless zone four.

dress c/o everything5pounds | bag : primark | shoes c/o clarks | sunglasses : quay australia
i obviously continued the chain of unpreparedness by wearing a ridiculous ensemble for the 21 degree day spent at a dusty english heritage site. black tights and bell sleeves? how sensible. at least i managed to have enough foresight to wear flat shoes, knowing that most english heritage sites aren't the most flat of terrain. i felt totally cute in unwashed space buns and reflective sunnies though, regardless of the fact this whole look was a mish-mash of styles and eras. the bell sleeves were nice and airy though, and the cut-out back (not shown!) kept me fairly cool, so, am i bothered?

the dinosaur's weren't exactly what we were expecting. they were a bit too "un-shit" for my liking; like, they were robotic and made noises and were a bit too realistic to be cool. or, too un-realistic. i don't even really know what i mean. regardless, it was just a bit whelming. we were outnumbered by children about a hundred to one as well, and easily the only adults in the park without tots of our own. it's a good thing that our expectations in general were pretty low, and we were in the mood to take the piss and have a bit of fun, because otherwise we may have had a different outcome to the one we did which was basically, sunburn and happiness. what more could you want?
(pssst.. that's ben.)