on the first bloody holiday i've had in monnnths, and one that i've been looking to for the longest time; bex and i are off to turkey today, and will be back mid-next week. and i have not a lot scheduled for the blog while i'm away - for the first time in ages. i've been too busy to, if i'm honest, as it is i had to pack almost a week before today, because i had plans every night after work. it's manic, my life, so this break will be just what i need to recoup and rewind.
work's been a bit stressy, so some time away will let me get my head back in the game. i hope. although, knowing what i know about the kinds of holidays that bex and i take, there will be nothing relaxing about it. there's so much to see and do in istanbul, so we plan to be thoroughly entertained the entire time. i'm sure i'll come back tireder than ever, and then when i ~do get back, i'm off to leeds over the weekend for the blogger blog awards. no rest for the wicked!
i might ~try and get something up here in the interim, but i'm not making any promises, and - for once, i genuinely don't care. i need a break, so i'm having one. i'll be over on twitter (obviously), and you can keep up with our turkish adventures over on instagram too; our dedicated hashtag is #constantiYESple.
oh yes we did. see you in a week or so!