i have found myself cancelling plans left, right and centre this week, thanks to a quick-moving head cold that took over my whoooole life mid-week, rendering me totally useless by the end. i sat through work coughing every - oh, i'm not even exagerrating here - five seconds of the day. all over my stuff. all over my colleagues. and the cough wasn't even fulfilling! it was dry and tickly, and i wasn't able to get aaaany respite from it at all; all the coughing did was give me a headache. not ideal. especially as i'm off to italy this week; typically, i'm always sick right before i travel, so this was always going to happen... right? but, with all the coughing, there has still been happiness! like:
leap day treats | a day that only comes around every four years only means one thing: calories that don't count! so when the opportunity to eat burgers with aunty sally was presented to me on monday, there was very little getting in my way. burger mondays need to always be a thing!
sunny skies ahead | this week has been best for nailing down holiday plans. bex and i are planning a few quick jaunts around the kingdom over the next few months, and then when mama arrives in august, we're off to ireland for a week too! i've been putting finishing touches on those plans, while counting down the days until the first ~actual holiday of the year: italy with charley! ermergerrrd there's nothing more satisfying than holiday planning. is there? no! there's not!
the 1975 | bex and i have had tickets to see the 1975 for a couple of months now. i worked from home on friday after a number of colleagues suggested they might kill me themselves if i came into work and made them all sick again, so it was the first time i'd left the house all day. i felt rouuugh, man. my body ached, my nose ran, my stomach muscles hurt from all the coughing and sneezing, but we'd had ~tickets. and, the fresh air would do me good... or so i was told. i met bex at cabana in brixton where we ate our body weight in wings and caipirinhas, before heading over to the academy... where we were met with an incredible line, ~full of teenagers rearing to get into the hipster convention that we'd obviously accidentally got tickets to instead. honestly! i don't watch telly, i don't do youtube, i don't watch music videos. i didn't know what i was in for: the most hipster gig i have ever been to. and the worst part: i fucking fit in! i was getting compliments from all the dark-rooted, silver-footed, retro-wearing kids, planting me firmly in the same basket as them in their eyes: a fucking hipster! not only that but we were the oldest in the room by a good ten years, and genuinely we asked a ticket lady where we could sit down in between sets. ahhh we have fun, us ageing hippies. for what it's worth, the gig was really good, and the lighting show was the best i've ever seen. possibly a strange thing to say about a show, but it was really good and worth a shout out.
five a day | my landlady is away for a few weeks, and so i've taken the opportunity to actually put the kitchen to good use again. over the weekend i cooked up some fresh banana and fruit pancakes, a raspberry smoothie, some thai fish cakes with (my fave) asparagus - amongst other things (pizza, but i didn't cook that, so), and feel like i've finally got my cooking mojo back - hurrah! it's perfect timing, as i can't eat another salmon stir fry for as long as i live. i need quick and easy recipe ideas, so hit me with them!
candy coloured | my hair was doing this really nice blonde thing last week; i'd been using some rose gold toner and it had been keeping the blonde nearest my scalp really pastel and pretty, and yet for some reason i had the genius idea to... colour my hair again. i picked up some bleach london rose (my original colour) and mixed it with a smidge of the vibrant red i've been using recently, and.. well, i'm candy coloured again. i was just getting used to the blonde too, but at least i know that it's not so far off should i decide to leave the coloured days behind me...
how has your week been?