although not as bad as the week before, this week has seen me ~still suffering with the dreaded lurgy. i dunno what it is - the pharmacist reckoned either sinus or chest infection (or both), but it's got me good. i'm now 14 days into it, and although i am starting to feel ~better day by day, i am no way ~well. i have gone from dry cough to sniffles to uncontrollable sneezes to allofthesnot to brain and body aches to sneezing some more to a chest cough that keeps me up all night long. right now i am at the sniffles-and-cough stage, as well as nursing a worn-out and aching body, but i reckon this is the home stretch. at least i hope so, because i am so sick and tired of being sick and tired, and i am missing out on so many fun activities because of it. i need life to resume, stat. things haven't been ~all bad though, like:
light up my life: on thursday night, after being totally bored of staying in every.damn.night of the week, i headed out with some blogger babes for a quarterly catch-up. katy, jaye, kelly and i met in soho for some bubbles and some delicious snacks, before heading into the night to catch the opening night of the lumiere light festival. we'd had a few glasses of bubbles, so we only managed to see a handful of the light installations, but the ones we saw were fantastic. i did plan to go back into london during the weekend to see the remaining installations, but.. so cold; so sick; so lazy.
such pretty stationery: i worked from home on friday as i had a follow up appointment up the road, and i definitely had far too much fun digging through and pulling out new pieces from my stationery supply. at work i have a dedicated 'unicorner' which is mostly unicorn memorabilia from around the internet, but i also indulge in bright pink pens, neon notebooks and floral planners as the bare minimum - i am more creative in colour!
looking up: it has been absolutely fruheeezing around these parts the last couple of days, but as i made my way back from the docs on friday afternoon, i couldn't help but fall in love with the colours the late-afternoon winter sun turned the sky. after such a miserable week, it was a nice reminder to keep your chin - and your eyes, up.
treat yo'self: on saturday i decided i needed to do something for me. i booked a massage and a hair cut locally, and i just spent the morning looking after ~me. including donuts, because looking after the inside is just as important as nailing the well-being.
snow joke: it snowwwwwed! well, it started snowing late on saturday night around london, and i was on snow-watch big time; coat, boots and scarves at the ready in case it happened to snow near me, but by the time i went to bed, there was nothing. but then! i woke up! to snow! it wasn't that real, powdery stuff, but it was white and icy and it was so pretty. it had melted before i managed to make it out into the day, but nevertheless, there was snow!
fruity fresh: i tried using the candy toner by scott cornwall again, to try and combat some of the yellow hues in my hair, to no avail. well, some avail, i guess, as my hair is super multi-tonal now; shades of apricot and peach and strawberry blonde are all peeping through, while the roots are ~still an obviously-different colour. i do have one more trick to try thanks to the hair-colour genius, but after that, i think i'll just try colouring it again. pastel hair is ~hard work~.
spring..? because daffodils are good for the soul, end of. i hadn't removed the dying (dead) roses from my room that were bought about a week before i went away, and i think their lacklustre appearance was starting to add to the despair in my room. while out and about on sunday i grabbed a bunch of daffs for a quid from tesco and they instantly brought a little ray of light to my life. it's the little things, honestly.