last week my good pal jasmin charlotte launched her very own happiness link up, and it was great fun to join in with a few of my happy things too. if you have something to add, or need a little pick me up, head over to her weekly link up every monday to check out all the happy things that have been going on around the bloggersphere. until then, here's what's been making me happy this week:
we made it to february: and i kicked off the month by not stopping. literally. i helped ring in february with beer, and tacos with an old pal who i hadn't seen in months; we talked upcoming travel plans, career challenges, buying houses, and all of that adult junk before getting blinding drunk and eating our weight in mexican food. mondays: done right.
spring is in the air: the mornings have been less cold; the afternoons have been brighter and longer.; there are pink blossoms appearing on the trees, and there have been bluer skies more often. this is a good enough sign that winter is almost done with us. almost. walking to work and not freezing to death is rather novel these days.
fresh as a daisy: i have been wearing my new scent - marc jacobs daisy sorbet daily since it arrived the week before last. i've wanted it for my mj collection for months, but being that i never buy myself fancy things, it's eluded me. well, no longer! it's definitely more sweetly floral than the others, and already a favourite.
half baked: mike made blueberry cheesecake brownies for us on wednesday. i'll just leave that there.
belgo-ing crazy for asparagus: i was lucky enough to be invited to the re-launch of belgo holborn last week, which meant a crazy night of sampling belgian craft beers, dining on incredible belgian dishes with a british twist, and trying to down one epic yard glass of belgain amber ale. for starters we were treated to cheesey croquettes and garlic prawns, before moving on to moulés done two ways: classiqué in white wine, leeks and cream, and then secondly in a broth of green chillies, lemongrass and lime. utter lip smacking goodness. there were frittes to mop up any messes, but i could easily have dined on moules alone i think. but then. then came the main: one lobster mornay with beschamel sauce, one tender beef served with asparagus. asparagus! i'd never tried it, but now i love it! how have i gone 31 years and never had asparagus. dear mum, you have some answering to do. dessert was waffles, natch, but in between these courses was bier, bier and more bier - and at one point, even shots of belgain chocolate liqueur. i mean, i've been to belgium, but i don't remember it being that fun. things i learned that night: holborn goes off on a wednesday, asparagus is the tits, and i want to go back to belgium.
biscuits and baes and art: arrrrt because i'm such cultchaaaaaaaa. the squad and i headed into central on thursday night for the launch of lumas art gallery's latest exhibition: art now. i will go into some more detail later in the week, but it was night four for me on the trot, and i was just so tired and down and not looking forward to going out, but within seconds of seeing these girls' smiling faces, i was right back to where i should be. i am so lucky to have found my soulmates, and to get to hang out with them in the cool and unusual ways that i do. thank you, whoever invented blogging, you da best.
staying in is the new going out: see above re: tired so when my friday plans were cancelled, i could ~not have been happier. i bought microwave bangers and mash and a bag of minstrels and went home to watch crap tv and bad netflix and try to not fall asleep at 9pm. in hindsight, that miiiight not have been such a bad idea - i could sleep for england at the moment.
staying in is the new going out: see above re: tired so when my friday plans were cancelled, i could ~not have been happier. i bought microwave bangers and mash and a bag of minstrels and went home to watch crap tv and bad netflix and try to not fall asleep at 9pm. in hindsight, that miiiight not have been such a bad idea - i could sleep for england at the moment.
blue skies on the horizon: saturday was one of the worst days i've had in a while. the girls and i have a name for days like them: we call them "no days". i have some meh days, often, but i've not had a real no day - on a weekend, in my own time, in so long. it just did not go my way from the start, and snowballed into an epic pile of no by the end of it. i was stressed and angry and so very frustrated, but venting to the masses does seem to help because within minutes of being a moaning myrtle on twitter, i'd had so many offers of ways to redeem my weekend. touching, really, what humans will actually do to rally the spirits of someone they mildly care about. sometimes i despair for humanity, other times i reckon we're doing a bang up job.
pampered princess: one of the lovely and generous tweets of support that came in was from the wonderful ree ree who owns rockalily cuts in shoreditch - where i had my colour done last year. she offered to have me in on sunday for a blow dry to make me feel a bit better, and at first i was all "no, no, it's fine" but then i was all "uhm actually that's an amazing offer, yes please" and so i did. *sassy hair flick* because that's certainly one way to fix a shady af weekend, am i right?
pampered princess: one of the lovely and generous tweets of support that came in was from the wonderful ree ree who owns rockalily cuts in shoreditch - where i had my colour done last year. she offered to have me in on sunday for a blow dry to make me feel a bit better, and at first i was all "no, no, it's fine" but then i was all "uhm actually that's an amazing offer, yes please" and so i did. *sassy hair flick* because that's certainly one way to fix a shady af weekend, am i right?
that's it from me; don't forget to linky link up, and have a smashing week!