finally, this week, i have started to feel a little more like myself. it's been a long, hard slog this year - already, all thanks to that lingering sickness i picked up before leaving edinburgh, but finally i am almost back to full-health. which is just as well really, as it's been another bloody hectic week for me. silver linings, and all that..
kate spade: i got paid early last week, and a little extra this month because of a referral fee i earned when mike got the job at talented talkers, and so i foolishly spent ages on the kate spade website deliberating over how many leather purses i needed and whether £90 was too much to spend on one purse. i found a 10% off code, so uhm yeah same question but for £81 and you know what? i never treat myself, so whatever. kate spade!
being patriotic: this past week was australia day. i don't usually celebrate here - mainly because i don't have one australian friend in london, and also because we don't get a day off to listen to the triple j countdown and drink beer all day. boo rah! but, beanys (australian coffee chain) were giving out lamingtons with all their coffee orders on tuesday and my manager picked me up one to help me celebrate just a little. very thoughtful!
fake milk: starbucks have put so much effort in target marketing their new coconut milk latte to me that on wednesday i caved. i felt so good and clean and green and healthy when ordering it, then like a total fraud drinking it thinking, is it just me, or does this just taste like filter coffee watered down with a milky-esque water? it wasn't for me. would not recommend. hopefully they bring out almond milk lattes soon so i can just drink that happily.
sorting disaster: so you know how i caved and started my harry potter education recently (simultaneously live-tweeting it as i went)? well i went the full hog and got myself sorted this week, and i am less than impressed with the results. i keep getting told that the films don't entirely explain everything and that i should read the books (nope), but as soon as i started watching i really thought i'd be a slytherin. but no, rowling insists i'm a gryffindor, and so now i'm stuck because the sorting hat decision is final.
kitteh snaps: we all know i don't like cats, but when bex sent me this snap of her brother's cat puisin (pronounce "pusheen" - he's irish) who she is staying with in new zealand at the moment, i melted. he the most purrfect kitteh ever, and i want to play with him myself. and also have her back now, please.
fake booze: on thursday night the girls and i headed to strada at more london for a party to celebrate the the chain's collaboration with alcohol concern for dry january, by helping them drink up the remaining bottles in their stash of specially-imported non-alcoholic drinks. during the month of january the chain has allowed their "dry" customers the opportunity to drink along with their guests by offering them non-alcoholic versions, with a promise that every drink sold would see a donation to the charity. this was the italian chain's first go at collaborating for dry january, and this month alone managed to raise more than £13k for alcohol concern - pretty great, huh!
magical unicorn: just after new years i signed up for crown and glory's newest subscription box - the bobby pin club, and on friday the first parcel came! this month's pin came from my favourite place in the world: the unicorn kingdom, so i couldn't be happier. going to wear it everywhere!
dinner and a show: on friday night the squad and i reconvened at maverick in victoria for a (couple) round of cocktails and pizzas before heading over to the st james theatre for round two of madam brennan's sold out show "twentysomething: the quarter-life crisis cabaret" which we saw for the first time back in november. it was hilarious, again. this time around though, because i knew what to expect, the laughter came before the punchline. but then again, so did the tears. katie's show is so honest and raw and real and poignant, it's everything a twenty something needs to make themselves feel "ok" again. she's another show in march, and i'm going again. i can't recommend it enough, so you should definitely go too.
spring is coming: omg blue skies and sun and blossoms. whatever next?
kate spade: ok well the answer is "yes": £81 is too much for a purse, so one of the two i cheekily nabbed went right on back to wherever it came from. the other one - a pink and glittery coin purse, did not. twentysomething quid for the purse of my dreams? that one stayed. i am heart-eyed over it, so i wonder if you can actually be in love with an inanimate object...
agatha: i have an alter-ego. she's a plush unicorn, well travelled all the way from australia, and she's the best. i'd love to introduce to you: lady agatha, or "aggie" for short. i hope you'll make her feel welcome. i think you'll be seeing a lot of her...
have a magical week, you lot!