the monday blues: although it really does feel like the weekends are getting shorter (is that a thing?), it's pleasing to see the work days are getting longer. this sucks in theory, but mainly i'm excited for blue mornings and twinkly twilight as a walk to and from work, instead of grey misery on both occasions. i've been walking a new way to work in the morning - to make sure i get enough "steps in" my day (that term will be in the dictionary next year), and the change of scenery is definitely another refreshing addition to my work day.
treats from home: over christmas, emma was home in new zealand and was charged with but one request: please bring me some of my favourite chocolate back! i totally dislike english chocolate and sweets, and yet still find myself daydreaming about treats from home. so was totally blown away when a sweet package of kiwi chocolates made their way to my desk during the week. that's not one, but two blocks of my absolute favourite - white chocolate with l&p and popping candy, on my desk. i don't want to blame anyone, but there's already a whole block gone. i also got to chat with my bff back home who's just gone five days overdue on baby number two! so nice to chat and see some updates on baby number one before number two comes along and makes it hard to catch up again (damn you, babies of the world!).
coco's gone loco: that same day i received the most bizarre thing in the mail: a personalised, wooden handbag, full of coco vita products, and a note telling me that now i'd be totally ready for #lfw. i mean, lol, right? me at fashion week is lol enough, but now i have this incredibly ~lightweight handbag made of actual pine wood sitting under my desk, just begging to be used. sadly i was away during fashion weekend, but hopefully the girls in the office thought to grab it and make use of it.
polpo at ape and bird: on tuesday night i met up with the totally luscious rosie and mega babe vicky for dinner at polpo at the ape and bird in covent garden. i'd been to polpo yeeeears ago in soho, so when given the chance to eat some wholly delicious grub and catch up with some incredibly awesome women (and wine) at the same time, how could i not? if you get the chance: get the seared steak with truffle oil and/or/and the chilli linguine and thank me later.
not made for the outdoors: last week i met up with ree ree and together we headed along to the made.com blogger evening in their show rooms in soho. first thing's first: they had an incredible salad bar. random first thought, but how often do you see a salad bar turned on instead of finger foods? never, that's how often. they also had some special guest stars on hand, in the form of mr lyan from the white lyan in hoxton and the incredible stuart from bloomon, each passing on some of their expertise in nailing their individual arts, so that at the end of the night we were able to leave with some of our own blended boozes, and our own arranged bouquets. we were there to help launch and celebrate their new outdoor range, but without a patch to call my own, i'll be coveting it all from afar... for now.
yelp! i headed out will milly in the week to yelp! and not another salon's event on brick lane. it was supposed to be "ticketed" in the same vein that when you rsvp, you were put on the list. when we got there though - so were a zillion other people. i was looking forward to meeting owner sophia of the salon and chatting paint-on toners, but with allofthepeople in the venue, it was totally hard to really do anything. we grabbed our burritos and headed downstairs into the secret 70s porn room where we were able to actually grab a seat for a moment in time, but left not long after that. i was able to steal a few minutes with sophia though, and get my hands on some lush club tropicana toner for my barnet. every cloud!
crazy for kent: saturday moring saw me up nice and early and out for a weekend by the coast. more info to come, but it was just the break i needed from the bright lights and big city that is my life. i do love living so close; an hour out of london and you're in a whole 'nother world!
hope you've all had a smashing week - don't forget to check out the link up!