yes, everything here is from boohoo.com, but i swear, this post isn't sponsored; i just literally found myself clipping so many things from there over the weekend when i was trying to figure out what the hell to wear to slam dunk this weekend. i'd almost forgotten i was going - well, that it was this weekend at least, and... i have no idea what to wear! thankfully it is festival season, so it didn't take too long to work out what i have that's acceptable for a not-your-average festival, and what i still need.
like, after reading the one thing i learned is: comfy shoes and backpacks are necessary. trainers are king this year, and i don't care how uncool that is! out hotel in birmingam is not far from the nec - where the festival is, but i don't want to be coming-and-going because my feet are sore, or i need a jacket, so, i'm preparing in advance and staying comfy from the start.
the other thing i know to be true: light layers. this time around the festival is indoors; i remembered that after i had clipped the rain mac. still, it might still rain in birmingham, and we're there for a few days, so it could still come in super handy. if not this weekend, then any other weekend for the rest of my life, because: london. i went to buy that floral bomber and realised it had sold out. i bought a different one though, so it's ok. and although i have a similar black pinny, i bought another one anyway. just in case. because: options.
what are your festival must-dos? help a sister out!
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