sunnies | shirt | shorts | ballet pumps | sweater | culottes | jumpsuit | handbag | jacket | skirt | clogs
after the weekend's jaunt to the #your5 styling session at centrale, i've been thinking more and more about those five key pieces those french lassies reckon we need this summer; the short jacket, the cropped trouser, the shirt, the sneaker and the satin. i was prompted to rethink my initial concerns about including shirts and trousers into my wardrobe - especially after seeing those pretty pink culottes and the frilly harry shirt in alexa's collection, so i had a little window shop. and you know what? i'm going to give it a try!
i've found a couple pairs of culottes and midi-length (satin-look!) jumpsuits online that seem like they would be quite flattering, and will definitely come in handy if this warm weather keeps up. i do also have quite a few cute (satin-look!) shirts in my collection from back when i used to channel my inner blair waldorf, so i'm definitely going to pull some of the more lightweight ones out of hiding and give them another spin.
i already have ramped up the sneaker collection, but i personally think that in a cropped skirt or (satin-look!) trouser i'm going to need something with a bit of height so i don't look so.. short. with that in mind, i have my sights set on picking up some lottas or hasbeens (on sale, natch, i'm not made of money) in a nice neutral colour that will totally go with everything i own. light grey or tan (or silver) wedges or open-toe clogs are a sure bet - don'tcha think?
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