last week i posted my results after taking part in the #AlproAM smoothie challenge during the start of february. i really enjoyed the challenge and the effects that a filling start to the morning brought with it - besides the obvious health kick, i found myself wanting different foods throughout the day, and that instead of popcorn or salty snacks, i was chosing fruit or crackers. all good things!
there were a few of you who asked after some of the specific recipes that i'd used to make my morning smoothies, so rather than keep directing you to the hash tag on twitter and instagram (still do check them out though, there are a ton more to taste for yourself!), i thought i'd share some of my favourites on here.
btw - it's worth noting that despite them all containing alpro almond milk (a dietary benefit for the lactose intolerant in me), you could easily adjust to the base of your choice - amy of little mind seeds opts for coconut water in hers and boyfriend prefers regular old milk in his. each to their own, but for the purpose of continuity, i will recount my recipes with the almond milk that i've grown to bloody love. also worth noting that since my affair with almond milk began, i've not looked at soya milk the same. i now find it waaay too nutty, and that says something when almond milk is literally made from almonds.

// bananarama
1 x banana
5 x strawberries
1 x handful of fresh mint
squirt in some honey
200ml of Alpro almond milk
> literally chuck it all in and wham-o! delicious drink is yours.
blue monday*//
1 x banana
50g blueberries
2 x handfuls of spinach
200ml of Alpro almond milk
1 tbsp Alrpo yoghurt alternative
blend this bad boy until all your dreams come true (*does not look blue) <
// peanut butter salt bomb
1 x banana
1/2 an avocado
1 handful of spinach
1 tbsp smooth peanut butter
250ml Alrpo almond milk
> this one needs more almond milk cos boooy is it thick (and salty)
// the gross one
1 x beetroot
60g mixed frozen berries
1 x naval orange (peel removed)
200ml Alrpo almond milk
boy oh boy, this one was hard to drink. honestly. that beetroot has a smell to it <
please do check out the hash tag on twitter (here) or instagram (here) for more original and tasty (and healthy!) smoothie recipes from everyone else who took on the power-plant challenge. i really enjoyed it, and know that you definitely would too!
what's not to like really? health benefits and tasty treats, all before 9am!