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17 February 2014

the weekend edition // i'm cooler in the pink coat

coat :: dorothy perkins via ebay // headband :: crown + glory // everything else :: primark

alternate post title : why you shouldn't make plans with me in the winter

the reason is two fold; firstly, because this weather! secondly because this weather! see, the weather is to blame for everything. when the weather is bad, i get the sads. it's cold and miserable, and i'd prefer to be under my duvet on my awesome sofa bed that anywhere in the world. the duvet will come into consideration before i make any kind of plans, and chances are, the duvet will always win, because cold. then, there's the travel disruptions. i live on a train line that struggles with leaves on the tracks, so employ some sort of grade a weather warnings and all hell breaks loose.

this weekend i had loads of plans. none of which i made good on, for reasons outlined above (and a few others that we won't get into right now). on saturday, boyfriend and i were supposed to head into town to meet up with donna and her fella for a delicious brick lane curry and wander through shoreditch. well, consider that impossible when every single train between here and there was cancelled because of landslide/ tree on tracks/ windy wind/ whatever. so disappointed, we ordered in a curry and checked out donna's instagram instead. 

then on sunday i had early morning plans with my good friend liz - we were planning to head to bromley for a day of shopping and gossipping, and for once it was sunny out too! except, when i woke up too bloody early on sunday morning, after an awful nights sleep and too-many-hours of watching american horror story: asylum before bed, i was nursing a banging headache and miserable attitude, and wished nothing more than another duvet day.

am starting to think i live more of a duvet life than anything else. considering i categorise this blog under 'london life and style', i'm doing a bang up job of living that life, don't you agree? in any case, boyfriend and i did leave the house on sunday - albeit briefly, to get some air in our lungs and sun on our skin. it was still bloody cold, but i did get to wear my new-to-me coat. aint she a dream?

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  1. Great coat! I'm living vicariously through overseas bloggers at the moment wishing for a break from the heat of my Australian summer! I have a similar (though opposite) problem of it being too hot to leave the house lol.

  2. I didn't leave much this weekend either, the weather here is dreadful! My fiancee and I just finished Asylum and started Coven, SO SO GOOD!


  3. tell me about it! problem is though, once we'd got the courage up to leave the house, it had all but gone again!

  4. I bloody love my ruffle-butt.

  5. oooh can't wait to start Coven too!

  6. ah, I hear you - I'm from Adelaide and my mum keeps telling me how baaad it is over there are the moment... the world's gone crazy!

  7. Wah! Bloody weather! We'll be back though! Crushing on that coat <3

  8. It's this weather, it makes everyone miserable...I am hating it. I'm so sick of rain, grey and crazy winds. The noise at night keeps me up. Saturday was dry here and sunny for once, I stayed out all day for it and then it went right back to rain and grey, least I got one day. I hope it gets better for everyone or I'll be under my duvet for a long time. The animals have it right with this hibernate till spring thing ;-) xx

  9. I love this coat, though. Surely enough to brighten up the day, despite the weather. I think it's supposed to be getting better now, anyway :)

  10. This is such a gorgeous coat, I really love the colour!

    Maria xxx


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