once we arrived in lancaster - our almost-last stop, my my, it was cold. i don't just mean, cold. it was fruheezing cold. we just were not expecting the drastic change in temps, the further north we travelled. we waited inside the passenger lounge for our rental car to arrive, then piled in and turned up the heating to tropical levels to defrost and thaw out a little before we finally headed off for our house. well, not before stopping in at asda for a week's worth of supplies, on christmas eve-eve, when about one gazillion other people had planned the same thing. more than an hour later, we were actually on the road.
having paid to upgrade the car to one with better fuel consumption (words i never thought i'd use) and that also came with a gps for all our navigational needs, we were sure that we would arrive in excellent time. grange over sands - our home for the next week - was about a forty minute drive away from lancaster, and with our asda shop out of the way, we were aiming for about a 3:30 pm arrival.
well, that was obviously not taking in to account me not being intuitive enough to take the gps' advice and turn onto motorways when i am supposed to, and thus having to drive ten miles out of the way (well, five in either direction) to get on-and-off again at the right junctions. ahem. we arrived just after five to our pretty little (term of endearment; that cottage was far from little!) cottage by the sea (morecambe bay to be precise). the three-bedroom townhouse was split over two levels, with a big lounge and open plan kitchen, giant bathroom, two double rooms, and one twin. we originally were going to be a four, so it was plenty big for just the two of us. we certainly were spoiled for space!
we unloaded the car, and loaded the fridge, before popping the first (of many) bottle of wine for the week and getting comfy on the couch - pleased to have finally made it 'home' safe. my nerves were shot; this was the first time i'd driven in england, and it's not like i'd prepared myself by reading up on the road rules, or what certain signs meant, or even what the speed limit is on the motorway, so driving a rental car with an excess of £1000 for the slightest scratch had me panicked. i'm a good driver, but i was nervous. one thousand pounds is a massive incentive for driving reeeeally carefully.
it was too dark when we arrived to see much of the town, so we made a plan to get out and discover first thing in the morning. but for now, it was dinner time. and wine time. but, isn't it always? i can't wait to share the rest of our trip to the lake district with you...