when the people over at lindt challenge me to come up with a great recipe including some of their chocolate, i had to put my thinking cap on because... i'm not that original when it comes to baking. but, what i do lack in creativity, i make up for in sheer laziness; as i was eating my afternoon tea on saturday it hit me -- i knew exactly what i should make...

and as i looked through recipe after recipe and deciding it was all too hard for a saturday afternoon, i decided to hack my way through it with as little effort as possible. and you know what? it worked out pretty good, if i do say so myself! so, if you're interested in baking a proper caramel shortcake or 'millionaires shortbread' then i'd highly recommend this recipe here. but, if you're after an easy life hack, keep on reading!
you'll need:
2 // packets of shortbread biscuits
1 // can of caramel
300g // lindt premium milk chocolate
150g // butter

step 1 // crush all of the biscuits in a bowl, and add the melted butter. layer the bottom of a square cake tin with the mixture, and pat into the bottom until the tin is full (i only used one packet, so two definitely would be the perfect amount to make the base lovely and thick and crunchy and yuhhhhm). pop in the fridge for 10 mins.

step 2 // pour the caramel over, spread evenly, lick the spatula clean, and pop in the fridge for another 20 mins...

step 3 // melt down the chocolate (i had to do it in three lots as there was a looooot of chocolate), and pour over the top of the caramel. stop putting your fingers back in the chocolate, it's gross, guys. pop this back in the fridge (i put it in over night, but i did start cooking at 11:20pm) for a good hour or more.

when it comes time to cut, try and leave the cake at room temp for 20 minutes or so, as the chocolate will tend to crack if cut while it's still cold. i heated my knife up in boiling water but still couldn't avoid the crack. you know what though? it all tastes the same, and goes in the same!
boyfriend was one very happy lad. he isn't a big sweet-eater, but if there are three things he loves, it's biscuits, chocolate and caramel. well, if i can hack a recipe like that and keep him happy, then i have done something right!