[preface : if you follow either kim, donna, kirsty or me on instagram, you will have seen the highly anticipated girls weekend of the year* completely spam your feed over the last few days. i'm not even sorry, because we had an absolute blast doing it. #bloggersdoedinburgh] *not a real statistic
kimmy made her way into london on thursday night, because we had a reeeaaally early start on friday. we had a quick dinner and exchanged our gifts, then we we put ourselves to bed early, like good little travellers. the next morning we were up at five a.m to make the first of our trains in our epic journey to the north; edinburgh bound!

the unexpected breakfast on the plane was enough to make us finally feel human enough to make our way into the city, and by the time we found kirsty and donna waiting in a bus shelter just outside of waverley station, we were able to communicate as adults.... adults who shriek in excitement at seeing the smiley faces of some of their bestest blogger pals, like, ever!
we sat and grabbed a coffee out of the rain while we chatted about our many journies into town, then made the decision to park our luggage in a city locker while we did a spot of wandering up princes street. multiple h&ms and one random run into amy from cocktails in teacups later, we decided it was time to eat, and so - guided by kirsty the local scot, we made our way to the red squirrel on lothian road. we were encouraged to try a thistly cross cider, and try we did with the delicious gold nectar of the gods delighting our taste buds and brain cells while we feasted on delicious homemade burgers (and played on our phones - we decided this is totally acceptable as long as you're in the presence of other bloggers). om. nom. nom.

after our late lunch we wandered back to the riverbank and through the german markets. we'd planned to meet with some of kirsty's scottish blogger pals before they headed off to an engagement party, and there - under the only shelter we could find from the already howling wind and rain, i tried my very first ever mulled cider. it was... not horrible, but i needn't ever have another, thank you very much.

the weather was so terrible we decided to try our luck in a local bar instead. except, being approximately beer o'clock, and - well, it's scotland, they were all already heaving. we tried two, in between dodging the rain and kirsty losing one bobble hat to the gale force winds (och nooo! mah haaat!), before calling it a night. the weary travelers were living up to their names, so we retired to kirsty's wee flat with thirty (scottish) quid worth of booze and snacks, and sat drinking and gossiping well into the night.
sometimes i have to actually stop and take stock of my luck when it comes to the people i have met through this little slice of the internet. so far, not one stinking one of them has been a forty year old creep.