i've been in my "new job" at talented talkers now for six month exactly, and in that time, i've hung out with my work colleagues only once of twice (as a group, i mean). about two months ago i saw on facebook that gospeloke was coming back to it's spiritual home at the queen of hoxton, and the date was super close to laura's wedding, so we decided to make a proper go of it and celebrate her 'work hen do' the only we could think how: with a twelve-strong gospel choir and a range of classic 80s hits.
i'd been to gospeloke once before (if you remember), and got sucked into being the opening act. against my will, i'll add, but nevertheless, i was drunk and therefore it was ok. this time though, with my work mates, there was no way i was going to get up on stage and humiliate myself. well... not alone, anyway.

i suppose i should be honest and admit at this point that no one wanted to sing before we got there. that all six of us were sure that we would likely dance and sing along, but not ever grace the stage. nope. never. and then the show started, annnd... after the very first singer got up on stage and belted out 'freedom' or 'joyful joyful', and the crowd got super into the act, the decision was made - we would be singing.
a few desperate words with the promoter jonny unknown saw us added to the line up, and nervously await our turn. another bottle of wine to help calm the nerves? go on then. yes, we love a calming wine. and... three bottles later, laura, shabs and i were up on that stage single "shackles" by mary mary, at the top of our lungs, with a complete gospel choir backing us up and making us look gooooood.
honestly, it was suuuuch a great night. i've said it before, and i'll say it again: these alternate club nights are easily the best nights out i've ever had. it's not about dressing up and looking fiiiiine and trying to avoid the sleazy eye of the creep in the corner. these nights are all about having fun with your friends, and enjoying the cheesy music that everyone loves because they're made with instruments and have melodies and are actually catchy. and in this case, come from the "sister act 2" soundtrack.
guys, seriously. if you ever get the chance to head along to a show, you will not have a bad time.