brinner with bae: on monday i met up with charlie and we headed out for brinner, at the breakfast club in london bridge. i'd never been before, despite having lived in london for five years, so given the opportunity to take my bae on a date to a place with fruit du jour table lamps and shrines to 90s pop stars, well... tell me you wouldn't.
"chic burger": on tuesday night my work crew headed east to support #littleshaun and his mates by turning up to their charity gig in east london. not that any of them are in bands, of course, but they book and promote local and international indie bands, and had a line up of both bands and djs playing the victoria in dalston, all for charity. with an epic raffle draw including a craig david cd, signed merch, and an illustration of prince. a print of prince. i mean, i won it, so there. before the bands kicked off, we indulged in a psychic burger inside the pub, and some of the ~best sweet potato fries i've ever had.
on wednesdays we wear: ice creams. because: hungover. i swear the amount of side ways looks i got on the tube on wednesday - me wearing a novelty ice cream dress and hot pink glitter jumper, laughing out loud at the latest my dad wrote a porno podcast, was at an all-time high. like i care, lolz.
the sweetest santa: on thursday the greatest parcel to have ever been sent arrived in our post room, addressed to "erica, shaun and chloe at talented talkers" - and seeing as neither chloe nor shaun were around to collect it, i did. it was a giant box of retro sweets, with not a single calling card in sight. no idea who sent it or from whence it came, but needless to say it was well received regardless.
big bang data: that night i met up with charlie boo again, and this time we took our dating from cult to cultural, by way of the big bang data exhibition at somerset house. it was a super interesting and immersive exhibition on the way data is collected, stored, shared and viewed in this - our digital age. and not just digital data, either, although there was a lot of that. there were also more though-provoking pieces of data collection - like one shared by florence nightingale back in the 1800s on the causes of deaths of the crimean warriors, as well as postcards sent between two uni friends between san diego and london where they collect and record data manually and in their daily lives; number of sneezes, number of babies crying, number of train delays, and share them with each other in the most creative and imaginative ways. we really enjoyed the exhibition, and i can't recommend it enough. get your tickets here.
boozy fridays: fri-yay more like it. on friday we had a mini end-of-year department party with booze supplied by some of our clients... many, many bozy clients. we finish at 4:30 on fridays, but i drank sooo many bailey's cocktails that i didn't leave work until almost seven. and then i was hungover and asleep by ten. what a day to be alive.
princess bubblegum: on saturday i did my hair and thought i looked like princess bubblelgum. lolz. there are worst doppelgänger to have.
freestyle wrapping: i started wrapping some presents over the weekend. ~started. while christmas songs played infrequently on the radio and i brewed some festive herbal teas from nudo, i finally got to tackling the many, many bags of gifts that have started to trickle in from the interwebs and from the shops and from all over the places over the last week or two. did i mention i'm off to edinburgh for christmas? and i'm staying with some pals along the way? and i have to take eight people's gifts with me on the train. eight people times an average of four gifts per person. that's... i don't know how i am going to do this you guys. pray for me.
shopping wins: on sunday i decided on a whim to finally ebay all of my winter coats that no longer fit me and go out and replace them with one good quality, warm and waterproof coat that will get me through the rain and sleet and potential snow that edinburgh has to offer this festive season. i spent far too long in the fitting rooms at tk maxx trying on coat after coat after coat before settling on one that was neither warmer nor more practical than the wool one i already own, yet i bought it anyway because: waterproof. ten minutes later in new look, i found one that nailed the brief entirely, and cheaper by another ten quid. back i went, to return the unwanted coat, and headed home happy as larry. win!
and that's me for another week - hope yours was just as happy!