cardi c/o george | dress : select | boots : asos
i found this dress in the sale section at select on saturday, and marked down more than 50% to a mere eight quid, i just couldn't leave it there. usually i would shy very much away from anything brown and earthy toned, but something about the subtle apricot hues in the print suckered me in and made me try it on. as it's a swing dress and completely shapeless, i really did not hold out too much hope for it... except... i kind of love it?
it's a fraction too short for me and my sensitive dignity, but we can overlook that, can't we. the fluffy cardi makes another appearance as it perfectly compliments the cream print, and because it's also really rather boxy and shapeless, it's kind of the perfect jacket for this dress. i threw the "finger breakers" on for a bit of height when i wore this out on sunday, but... mistake; wet. windy. and i walked a mile hunting for a new winter coat. i should have learned from my past mistakes and worn something comfortable.
with a couple of christmas parties this week, i know this outfit will get another wearing soon.