fresh flowers after a dry spell : while i was out and about trying to find a suitable winter coat over last weekend, i also managed to score some bargain orange roses before i dashed to the bus home. it's been a wee while since i had fresh flowers around the house - i suppose they just seem a bit "out of place" in the winter, but there's certainly no better reason for a pop of colour to wake up to on these grey mornings, is there?
frozen drinks and gospeloke fwends : on monday night, charlie, claire, smashleigh and i hit up the musical bingo crew's end of year christmas bash at gospeloke, held at electric carousel in picadilly. it was such a gorgeous venue, one i hadn't been to before despite having worked just up the road from it for three and a bit years, and we had the best time. a few bottles of pink in and we were up on stage singing "uptown funk" - dance moves and all, and being filmed by a lot of our now-fans. autographs, anyone? seriously - i say this every damn time, but if you're after something a bit different on your next night out, look at musical bingo for some inspiration because let me tell you this: there is no sassier feeling than belting out a song really badly in front of a 12-strong gospel choir, only for them to tell you that you ~crushed it and have them bow down to you as you exit the stage.
party hats wot make me look unicorny : the very next night i joined katy and becca at three mobile's #merrybirthday christmas party at the hoxton hotel in holborn. what a confusing sentence to write! we were there to have a sneak peek at the christmas advert and to see just how three plan to #makeitright this christmas. by all accounts, they succeeded if by "make it right" they meant to get katy and i so drunk we couldn't figure out how time worked and would we be able to get a train still. it was not even 10pm, so the answer was yes. also mad props for their mad props - they had me at unicorn!
bah humbug and clever cards : two nights on the trot equalled one hard wednesday morning. to help me survive the day i bought myself some amazing christmas pjs to celebrate my negative feelings towards christmas, and was rewarded with a sassy card from a colleague that reads: "i don't care what you did on the weekend" - almost exactly how i was feeling that morning. her mockery of my hangover made me smile.
a sparkly affair : thursday night was the first of my many work christmas parties. this one was being held at koko in camden, a venue i love and have been to many times (mainly to see emo and punk bands) but never for something like this. with guilty pleasures and a photo booth to kick it all off, not to mention an open bar and some excellent food, the night started out well! within a few hours sadly the dj had been switched out to some uk garage superstar that i'd never heard of, who went on to play noise i'd never heard of (but everyone else clearly had - if the people on other people's shoulders, and chanting was anything to go by), and my night went significantly downhill from there! never a better time to grab your coat and grab an empty tube home.
hangovers are the blurst : with any good (or, less good after a time) christmas party, there is a hangover. thankfully there were plans well in advance to help distinguish ours as quickly as possible with as little fuss. we all managed to make it in to work - nearly on time, unlike many of our colleagues. poor form guys! to help us on our merry way we started the day with a mcdonald's breakfast (my second breakfast of the day as i'd woken up to a festive fancy ohhhh yeah), followed quickly with a deliveroo from the diner in camden, and then before we knew it, it was home time. hells yeah for day-after christmas party working days!
merry christmas and happy feet : scored some new trainers, i did! and when i say "new" i legit mean these are my first trainers as an adult. i've never had trainers before. i'm a boots and shoes kinda gal. i always swore i'd never be that girl who wore trainers with a dress, that that life was not one for me. but then i got old and my feet ached and begged for comfort and these are so pretty (!) and i couldn't resist. and i need something comfy for holidays and such, so... i'm officially converted. also: someone dressed their outside tree as a christmas tree and it made me smile. haha!
musiiiiiiiic for the soul : this week has been full of music; gospeloke and guilty pleasures in the week, and then come the weekend i had tickets for two (two!) gigs too! after seeing both at reading earlier this year, becks and i were keen to get tickets to see both mariachi el bronx and don broco when they toured again, and it just so happened they toured within a night of each other. great timing lads! it was so awesome to see mariachi again as we missed most of their set at reading, and i had been looking forward to seeing them so muuuuuuch. don broco was a new band for me this year - becks dragged me to see them in between other bands and we had an awesome time - they're so fun! so we had two great nights out over the weekend. and nandos, because: of course.
the countdown is on : omggggg i go to edinburgh in a week. i need to wrap presents. i need to pack clothing. i need to wash clothing. i need to make sure i have my tickets and everything like that. it's a week away - weeee! that means that (because i have monday off) i have three and a half days left of work for the year, and then i'm donnnnne until january! i just can't bear it. this staycation is going to be just what i need to get my head right again after a long and tiring year, but i am concerned about the weather sitch. like, scotland - u ok?
that's what's been making me smiley this week - i hope yours has been just as fun!