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21 July 2013

the weekend edition

*i was spinning in the above pic, it's not blury by accident!* 

this morning, after an almighty sleep-in and bacon and egg sarnie, we were off to our new favourite sunday hang-out; the east dulwich boot fair! it was overcast and - dare i say, chilly, as i got in the shower, so had a regular outfit in mind. by regular i mean, one not designed for this heatwave. the weather when i got out of the shower was a completely different story; the mugginess had resumed. the mere six minute walk to the train station had me in rivers of sweat. a day out in a field was going to be ace.

we had barely made it three feet into the fair when we spotted the coffee table. mid century, maple in colour, and in great condition. the guy wanted £10. i offered a fiver. we agreed on £8. we left it with him, and had a snoop around.... sadly, the other thing we came out with were two more records to add to our collection of yet-to-be-played vinyls; queen's a night at the opera and the police's every breath you take.

boyfriend lugged the table the return journey by himself while i popped out for refreshments. i slurped on frozen berry and cider cocktails while i tried to get my sewing machine to work.. it didn't, so i ended up hand-stitching a new cushion cover for the sofa. my theory here is that, the more cushions we have, the less you notice the age and colour of the sofa. i think it's working.

how was your weekend?

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  1. I think your thread is on the wrong spoke. It should be on the back one that you pull out, the one you have got it on is for winding the bobbin.

    Ps: LOVE the TV stand / table x

  2. Cushions make everything look better :). Those sunflowers look massive! xx

    D Is For...

  3. I'm so jealous of that table! So sweeetttt! The heat in Texas has been completely unbearable. I tried to go to the flea market this weekend but didn't get very far. It's too uncomfortable. Boo! Come sew some cushions for me!! I should be doing it... maybe I will make one tonight. :)

  4. I need to start going to more car boot sales. I actually need to do more too, i'll probably spend more than I make but ah well, at least I'll feel a little less guilty! x

  5. That table is so cool - looks very 'Mad Men'! Looks like you had a cracking weekend lovely lady x


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