another day, another pair of glasses eh. for the longest time, the only accessory i never owned was a pair of glasses. my eye sight wasn't 100%, but it was ok; i had no complaints. then i started working in an office, with a computer every day; i started blogging and spending more time on a smaller screen, and then there was the squinty smart phone face. so, the eye sight deteriorated, and with it's decline came the introduction of glasses. at first, just for work. and then slowly for reading. for watching telly. for at the cinema. for, well really, now, for all of the time.
i still don't wear them all of the time, because i don't think they suit me. or my 'style'. even my lush lilac ones - which are totally adorable, aren't really 'every day ready'. like, there's just not one pair that i own that would totally go with every outfit i own. my black ones do, obviously, but they're my work glasses. they're not everyday glasses. and, they're black. i hardly wear black, and i think they're a bit harsh on my face. so, when the good folks at firmoo got in touch again, i was over the moon.

i wanted a nice, light pair, that would work with everything. but there's just so many options to choose from! because of the lightness of my prescription, i did have some troubles picking a pair that was *suitable* for my face size/shape etc. the first few i really wanted were *too big* according to the professionals over at firmoo, so it was back to the drawing board. based on the size detail of these white ones compared to my black ones, i was sure i'd found the perfect pair. i love the pattern detail in the frame, and the sleek metallic arms. i was so looking forward to them arriving, so i could get to wearing them with all the lovely a/w things that have started to make their way into my wardrobe (this skirt!).
when they turned up a few days later, i was stoked to try them on. unfortunately, there's not a lot of things that are right about them in the flesh. for one, they're far too wide for my face. the metal arms aren't as sturdy as the plastic ones i'm used to, and are suuuper painful around my ears. the arms also seem to be rather bowed - where my plastic arms are almost straight from frame to ear hook thingy, these ones curve out and back in again, which makes them even wider than necessary. i put them on, and they instantly slipped down my face. i was gutted. i took them along to the local optometrist to see if they could work their magic on the heat bendy machine thing, and although she did manage to make them slightly narrower on my nose, she couldn't do anything about the width over my ears.

glasses c/o firmoo | jumper : topshop via ebay | skirt : river island | shoes : primark
the great thing about firmoo glasses is that every pair comes with a hard and soft case, this epic cleaning cloth (i've talked about my love for these cleaning cloths before, and have since converted friends and co-workers into using them too because seriously they're wonderful)(and this one is pink!), and a wee screwdriver set for any quick repairs. well, i used my handy screwdriver set to tighten the arms to see if that would make a difference... no, it didn't. i probably need to take them to a proper glasses repair shop, to have them bend the arms back the other way, but i'm scared they'll just get damaged and be less wearable than they are now. wah!
i love them so much, and they would have been perfect if not for their stupid arms!
do you have any tips for how i might resolve this issue?