after my big girl adventure on sunday, i was famished. so, when my flatmate nicola text me to tell me she wanted to shout me a pizza dinner for my birthday, well, i was ecstatic! so ecstatic (and preoccupied with my new addition) that i totally got on the wrong bus and didn't realise until i was about half an hour into my journey, that i was going in the wrong direction. shamefaced i hopped off-and-back-on to the very next one going in the direction i'd just come from, before fiiiinally getting on the right one to take me the full twelve minutes back to honor oak. serrrriously, i was starving.
which is just as well really that sodo (SOurDOugh) in honor oak is open on sundays. because it's not on mondays, which just happens to be the day i usually try to go there. this time though, open. open, and with a couple of seats available at the bar, because without a reservation we weren't getting into the restaurant. so, the bar was fine with me.

i ordered the home made ginger ale (sorry for the awful picture; indoor lighting is pooor quality), and the lorena pizza. the first and last other time that i'd been to sodo, i'd also ordered the lorena pizza. why not try something new this time you ask? because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, i say. the lorena is a babe; tomato base, mozzarella, buttnerut squash (emrergerrrd), rosemary, feta (stahhhp it) and pine nuts. i meeeaaan. what other option was there? (hint: all of these options)
the dry ginger ale was suuuuper gingery. and not in a very nice or refreshing way. it was so gingery that i just could not drink it. i like a bit of ginger, me, but this was like... burning my throat because it was so tangy. man, i really could have done with a diet coke. unforts, the only fizzy option was this ginger malarky. never again. heed my warning, kids. heed it well.

but the pizza? eurgh. i don't have the words. there's something magical about more than one type of cheese on a pizza, amiright? add to that the supreme taste sensation that is butternut squash and rosemary together in any single way, and sprinkle that then with deliciously salty bursts of pine nuts and...
you guys it was really good okay.
and the best part is that for two massive pizzas, one gross ginger explosion and one crafty beer for the tri-athlete flatmate (who nailed a new pb on sunday, thanks for asking!), we dined for less than £25. that is rare. for it to be cheap and delicious? on to a winner. if you live in or near honor oak, clapton or hoxton, you're one lucky son of a bitch. go forth and eat, my friends!