we were about an hour early for the show, so we hit the bar...and the photobooth. because living. after that, all i remember is needing to wee - a lot, drinking more than i should have, and too many people talking during my favourite songs. oh, and stopping for a wee twice in the five minutes before we left, as well as at king's cross and liverpool street on the journey back. yeeeep. old lady bladder is old.
honestly though, i saw these boys play a couple of years ago as well - after handwritten came out, and really enjoyed them live then. they're a terrific live band, easily one of the best i've seen. they're always tight, keep the chat to a minimum, and give the punters what they want. and, it was nice to be at a nice, adult gig for once, and also nice to not be the oldest in attendance. ha. if you like yourself some mellow, classic rock, then get involved with the gaslight anthem. you're welcome.