this was the fourth time i have seen new found glory live, or the sixth if you consider the two times they opened for themselves as the international superheroes of hardcore - their parody hardcore band (who are just as incredible). i totally consider those two times also, because on those two occasions, they played two sets, one after the other, and were epic for over three hours. so, yeah. they basically rule.
i managed to talk rebekah into coming with me to the last show of theirs that i went to, but i don't think it's really her cuppa tea so i went along with my friend mark who is the only person i know who digs pop punk as much as i do. well, he probably does more than i do, to be fair, but still.
i think nfg are probably my fave of all the pop-punk bands i've listened to over the years, and i think that's because they just don't take themselves too seriously, and have a genuinely awesome respect for music, and ridiculously good time playing shows. i mean, these guys are not as young as they used to be (who is?), but they still jump around, play their gear like they don't care who's watching, and still put on a fantastic show. it was incredible, and i loved every minute of it.
they played all the hits, as well as some of the newer stuff (they released new stuff almost every year, it's bloody incredible!), and the highlight of my whole life happened in that gig when - in the middle of 'my friends over you', hayley williams appeared as if from nowhere and sang back up while jordan and chad rocked the shit out of the song. i fan girled so hard in that moment; paramore are... my everything. hayley is a sensation. i ship her and chad so hard, and when my mate text me the day before the gig to say he'd seen chad and hayley in carnaby street, i had a sneaky that she'd at least be at the show. did i have any idea that she'd be in the show? lord no. absolute life highlight.
absolute best way to round out gigvember, that's for sure. man, november was so good to me, musically. i can only hope this run of luck continues into the new year. i have already bought tickets to see the used in london in february, so... what's next, i wonder.